New Boy In School

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New Boy In School:

    Maia Perk quickly walked through the hallway, stopping at her locker to exchange her books for her lunchbox. She put her combination into the lock hanging on her locker and pulled it off, opening the locker. She dumped her Math and Chemistry books into it, thinking about what had happened in the morning. Nothing seemed new, just the normal dose of being ignored by everyone in school. But the mood seemed different, like everyone in the school was waiting for something. However, Maia couldn't care less what they were waiting for. All that she wanted was to survive high school without getting into too much trouble and get to a good college, like MIT, where no one knows her and she can start afresh. Maia took her lunchbox out of her locker and put the lock back on, turning around and beginning to walk to the cafeteria. As she neared the large double doors, she noticed a bit of movement to her right. It turned out to be Michella Kallis, the popular head cheerleader, pressed up against the wall by some senior jock on the football team. She had her mouth covering his, arms around his neck, and her leg curving around his hips. He had his eyes closed and his hands under her shirt, stroking her back. Michella leaned back from their heated kiss and stared at Maia, scowling before turning back to the boy.

"Poor boy," Maia thought as she continued walking.

She passed the table full of shirtless, rowdy, popular boys each with a cheerleader on his lap. One leaned his arm out to Maia, trying to catch her, but she evaded his grasp. It was Cole Lingit, the captain of the football team, the biggest player in the school. He smirked at Maia before turning back to the bleach blonde girl sitting on him, playing with his hair and biting her lip flirtatiously. Cole smirked, slid his hand around the nape of her neck, and pulled her toward him. Maia turned away before anything more rated R happened.

She walked toward the far end of the room to her table, the only table entirely empty all year around. Why, you ask? Because she sat there, of course. She was the least popular girl in school, who would sit with her? Maia put her lunch box on the table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and opened the book she was reading at the time,
Macbeth, and began to read. While she ate her lunch, the scraping sound of metal legs of a chair on a tiled floor sounded next to her. She quickly turned her head to the right, wondering who could be wanting to sit next to her.

"Hey, is it okay if I sit here?" asked a husky low voice belonging to the hottest boy she'd ever seen. Maia stared in amazement at his beautiful green eyes, dark brown tousled hair, and full lips. He grinned in amusement and chuckled at her astonished expression.

"Umm, ummm..., uh sure?" she asked questioningly. He smiled and plopped down on the seat.

Suddenly, Maia realized that the entire room had gone silent. You could hear a pin drop. She looked around, nervously biting her lip as she sat in the center of attention. Michella had walked in and she stood leaning on the back wall, glaring at Maia. Cole sat and watched Michella, a dazed look on his face.

The mysterious boy glanced at Maia, frowned, and looked around. Realization dawned upon him as he took in the silent room. The boy stood up and shouted, "HEY! CAN'T YOU SEE YOU'RE MAKING THIS GIRL EMBARRASSED? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" He promptly sat back down and continued eating his lunch. Slowly, the students in the cafeteria returned to their lunches, now and then casting curious glances at Maia.

"Anyways, what's your name?" asked the stranger.

Maia looked up, unsure what to say, but nevertheless responded with, "I'm Maia Perk. Umm... what's your name?" she asked hesitantly.

The boy grinned. "I'm Jackson. Jackson Kela."

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