The Girl I Couldn't Help But Notice

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Author's Note: SORRY FOR THE LATE POST GUYS! I just had a MAJOR case of writer's block and couldn't figure out what to write. Also, I really don't like to change POVs and change the person and tense of the story but I wanted to experiment with something new in the next few chapters. COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME and ideas of future events are extremely helpful. HAPPY READING!



I've just arrive at this school and already I know that I'm going to hate it. Just observing the football players that check out the asses of all of the cheerleaders with their petite short skirts that barely reach their thighs, I know that trying out for the football team is not going to happen. I will never become one of that gang, and I can't imagine hanging out with that guy, who seems to be the leader of their group, the one who probably never gets into relationships unless it's just to get laid. What's his name? Oh, yeah, Cole Lingit, the star quarterback of the football team. I've seen him around today, always surrounded by his posse of body-builder jocks and airhead cheerleaders.

It's finally lunchtime and I know that this will be a turning point in my reputation in this school. I can either sit with the jocks and be coined a player, or with the nerds and be considered a geek, or I can sit alone and be an outcast.

I walk into the cafeteria and scan the premises. There's the table with the jocks, and the rest are full of other students. However, that table in the corner seems to not be in the limelight, and considering the way most of the students look at me, it seems like a good place to sit for my first day. There's one kinda pretty girl there (of course, nothing to tempt ME), and she doesn't seem like a very popular person. No offence to her, of course. It's just an observation. I think she's in my English class, but I can't really recall as she sits in the back and only looks up when we discuss the novel that we're reading.

As I walk over to the table, I watch the girl. She has long blonde hair that lies flat on her back, is wearing a blue tank-top with skinny jeans, and seems to be reading a book. Midst the stares and glares thrown my way, I begin to slide a chair out from under the table. The girl suddenly straightens up and whips her head to face me, sending her hair flying.

"Hey, is it okay if I sit here?" I ask, slowly sitting down as to not startle her.

I chuckle at her priceless facial expression, which consists of a mix of astonishment and joy, her lips half-parted in a surprisingly attractive way.

"Umm, ummm..., uh sure?" she replies, moving her stuff across the table.

I smile and open my lunch, about to take a bite of an apple. Suddenly, I notice that she has stiffened. I look around and see everyone staring at me. I frown, stand up, and yell, "HEY! CAN'T YOU SEE YOU'RE MAKING THE GIRL EMBARRASSED? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" Then, I continue eating my lunch.

I look up at her, smiling. I say, "Anyways, what's your name?"

The girls seems a bit flustered, but she gathers up enough courage to whisper, "I'm Maia Perk. Umm... what's your name?"

I grin; then, I reply, "I'm Jackson. Jackson Kela."

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