The rooms

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Gemini POV

I love school. I already have a crush, a new friend, and maybe a new best friend! Yes, if you couldn't tell, I like Leo. I also met a girl named Libra Scalez, and girls named Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn. I don't think Capricorn and Cancer like me, but Libra and Virgo do! Speaking of which, Libra and I are roommates as well. "Gemini, do you think there's some way to get food? I'm starving" Libra interrupted my train of thought. I smiled at her. "Ya, lets go look. I've already met some of the signs, but I want to meet the rest." Libra and I left our room, which, by the way, is absolutely massive, and the people who designed it somehow knew my exact favorite color and the style I like, so my half of the room is perfectly tailored to my aesthetic. 

Libra's half looks like a princess's castles room, and it fits.  That girl could be a model, I swear. She has the perfect figure, and perfect skin, and I don't think she's wearing any makeup either. Oh ya, we also have another roommate that we haven't met yet. Her half looks like a punk wrestling concert merchandise shop, but to each her own. Oh, no wait,I bet that's Aries's.  Shit, I need to go. "Hey, Gemini. Who's that?" We saw a really cute short guy who was practically bouncing off the walls with his two roommates. One looked like a goth, and the other looked like a literal California guy, with blond hair and blue streaks. The one that was bouncing had purple hair, and it looked like he was going for the skater guy look. Being the extroverted idiot I am I called down the hall "Hey, I'm Gemini, sign of the twin! Who you?" The goth looked at me in distaste. "Who are you, you mean?" He asked coldly. Shit. Someone's kind of boring. but hey, I'm not going to let him phase me. I smiled. "Oops. What's your name?" The goth continued to stare at me coldly, but the California guy came to my rescue. "Hey, I'm Pisces, sign of the fish. That idiot-" He gestured to the skater guy "- Is Sagittarius, sign of the centaur. And this ball of sunshine and happiness-" He nodded towards the goth, who frowned at Pisces. "- Is Scorpio, sign of the scorpion. Nice to meet you." Thank god. Someone else who talks and is willing to be friendly. I gave Pisces my best winning smile. "Nice to meet you, too." I said sweetly. He nodded kindly. "Who's your friend?" "I'm Libra, sign of the balanced scale." "Nice to meet you too. I thought I would take my crazy roommates to see if we could find the rest of the Zodiac signs. It seems that we found two." Shit. I'm smiling so much my mouth hurts. Thank Fuck Libra's a better person than me. "We're looking for the cafeteria. I'm sure we'll find some of the other signs there. Want to come?" The skater guy, Sagittarius, looked up. "Ya, I'm hungry. Let's go." Together, the five signs got into the elevator. They got out on the main entrance floor, and heard laughter. "I think it's over there." I said. I know, I'm a literal genius, and I was right. We walked into a traditional high school cafeteria. I scanned the room for Virgo, and I saw her sitting at the massive center table that had a wood plaque with the letter Z on it. I moiteniend for Libra, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius to follow me. 

I plopped down next to Virgo, who looked at me with a smile. "Guys, this is Gemini. And who are you guys?" She looked at the other four. They introduced themselves quickly, and all the people that I didn't know at the table introduced themselves as well. Virgo grinned. "I think everybody is here now." The second Pisces sat down, that annoying old lady, Principal Stars, came bustling towards us like she was in a speed walking race. "Come with me, Zodiacs." She commanded. Virgo rolled her eyes, but stood up to follow the principal. Her friends, Cancer and Capricorn followed her. "Come on, Libby." I grabbed Libra's arm and began yanking her after Virgo. 


Cancer POV 

I don't know why that stupid bitch wants us to come, but I do know that she interrupted my, Virgo and Capricorn's  mature and respectful but entertaining gossip and ship-fest. Virgo, being the organized queen she is, wrote a list. 








I don't know why she's shipping me with the hot californian surfer guy, but I'm honestly fine with it. I also love how she's crushing on that cutie nerd that also likes Harry Potter, Taurus. Capricorn, like the weirdo she is, now has a crush on another weirdo, Aquarius. I must admit, Virgo's  good at this ship game. She's also made a list of roommates. 


Libra/Gemini/ Aries



So ya. As you can see we are very  organized. Well, Virgo is. Finally, when we got to the old bitches office, she had 12 chairs set up. I plopped in the middle of Virgo and Capricorn. Why the fucl are we doing this? She stood in front of like the teacher, and cleared her throat. "You were, I know, informed of your sign, and power. However, your class schedules and elements have not been given out. It is kind of obvious,  but if you have Fire manipulation: So, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius- You are a fire sign. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Hey, I'm a water sign? Cool, but I wish Virgo or Capricorn would be with me. One of the water signs is a goth, and the other is much too hot. Terrifying, right? The earth signs are Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn." Lucky ducks get to be together, plus, Virgo gets her cute crush as well! "And finally, the air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius." Huh. I wonder why this is necessary to know. As if the teacher had read my mind, the next thing she said was. "You will need to know this because you will have individual classes with your fellow element signs to learn how to use your powers better." Virgo, my teachers pet bestie, raised her hand. "Why will we need these powers? Are we going to need to fight anyone?" I don't think the teacher liked Virgo's question.  She didn't answer, but began flinging pieces of paper at us. I caught mine, and looked at it.  It was my schedule, but my classes were: Surviving battle, individual power training, element power training, history of the sky, and getting to know the zodiacs. Fuck, school. Thank god I have Surviving Battle, History and Getting To know the Zodiacs with Cappy and Vir. I wouldn't survive school without them. 

"Now, leave. Classes don't start until next week, so you can do whatever teenagers do for the week, get to know each other. Curfew is midnight." With that, Principal Stars shoved us out the door. I turned to my fellow Zodiacs and Grinned. "Come. We are going to my room. ALL of us." No one responded, but when Virgo barked. "Hey! Y'all! We're going to Cancer, Capricorn and my room! Come on!" "Yes, mother!" Leo called. "Sagittarius, stop shoving Scorpio!" Capricorn yelled. "Yes, Other Mother!" Teased Sagittarius. Everyone followed Virgo to our room. I smiled. "Let's play a game. Leo, Truth or Dare?" "I'm no bore. Dare!" I smirked at him. "I am the queen of dares. You sure?" He looked uncertain, but nodded."  "I dare you to make out with your crush for the next minute." 

That's the next chapter! Hope you like it! If u have any ships or anything, let me know in comments, my non exsitent readers! Luv y'all! 

-Charlotte. (Hester Granger) 

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