8: That Was That

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It took a week after Sanae woke up that night before her system was able to completely eradicate the invading chakra, so they had to stay at the hospital for much too long (in Sasuke's opinion). However, he was there the whole time for his baby and he wanted her well more than he wanted to sleep in his own bed.

When Sakura walked in their hospital room on the Saturday after Sanae almost died, she was carrying discharge papers and Sasuke had never been happier to fill out paperwork.

"Good morning, Sasuke, Naruto," she chirped, pulling a pen out of the chest pocket of her doctor's coat and walking over to Sasuke. She gave him the pen and the documents in her other hand, giving Sanae a crinkle-eyed smile afterwards. "Sanae-chan."

"Good morning, Sakura-chan," Naruto said and waved brightly, taking Sanae from Sasuke so he could fill out the paperwork. Sanae giggled and grabbed at Naruto's nose when he started making funny faces at her.

"We tested a sample of her chakra and she's completely in the clear," Sakura told Sasuke as she took a seat on the couch beside him. "There shouldn't be anymore trouble."

Naruto was standing up, throwing the baby in the air and catching her.

Sanae was smiling joyously the whole time. "Up, up!" she chanted.

Naruto chuckled at her, doing as she said before asking Sakura, "So it won't come back?"

"Nope. Hashirama's Disease is a one and done thing, like a virus. She can't get it again."

"That's awesome!" Naruto exclaimed, spinning around Sanae.

She clapped her hands together.

Sasuke signed his name at the end of the packet and gave it back to Sakura. "Be careful, useless," he told Naruto, eyes stuck to Sanae the whole time she was spinning in the air.

"Yeah, yeah, I am." Naruto made a face at Sanae, whispering, "Your dada's a huge buzzkill."

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"How are you doing, Sasuke? I know staying in the hospital isn't fun... you haven't left once." Sakura was eyeing him gently, head tilted slightly to the side.

"I'm fine," Sasuke said simply.

"Glad to be goin home, though, right?" Naruto asked, grinning. He finally stopped throwing and spinning Sanae, just letting her rest on his hip. The day after Sanae woke up, Naruto had went to get her stuffed dog toy from Sasuke's house, so he grabbed it off the bed and gave it to her.

She snuggled it.


There was a moment of silence. Naruto looked between Sakura and Sasuke, the former staring at him and the latter looking anywhere but at her.

"Well, uh..." Naruto scratched his cheek. "It's been a while since Sanae-chan has seen the sun. Mind if I take her for a walk around the hospital, bastard?"

Sasuke nodded at him silently.

"That'll be good for her," Sakura said, smiling at Naruto and Sanae. "She's gotten so pale."

"Let's go fix that, eh, Sanae-chan?"

"Na-Na, Na-Na," Sanae said, clapping her hands on either side of his face and squeezing his cheeks.

"I'll that as a yes," Naruto said. "We'll be back in a little bit!" he called over his shoulder before beginning to leave the room.

"Be careful," Sasuke said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah..."

When the door behind Naruto closed, it left Sasuke and Sakura sitting beside each other on the uncomfortable couch in silence.

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