5: New Year Celebration

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It was January first and the New Year Celebrations had begun to kick off. Buddhist temples rang their bells one hundred and eight times the night before and little stands were setting up in the heart of Konoha, awaiting the festival. Shinobi and civilians, alike, were working together to get the firework show figured out. Almost everything was closed, and even many Shinobi got the days off, free of missions.

Sasuke had received New Year cards from Sakura, Naruto, and even Kakashi. Each card held seasonal greetings. Sasuke hadn't sent any out—he'd honestly forgotten, and probably wouldn't even if he'd remembered.

On New Years when he was a kid, his mother would have him help her open all of the cards they got. She saved each and every one in a box that had been lost to the Pain attack.

Sighing, Sasuke bounced Sanae and walked around. Whereas sometimes she slept too long, other times she didn't sleep at all. Even sleeping with him hadn't helped last night, so he was left with a very fussy and unhappy baby.

It was unusual for Sanae to be such a pain. The pediatrician said she was fine, though.

Sasuke tried playing with her, giving her the dog stuffed animal, and even singing. Nothing had helped in the slightest, so now he just held her and walked around his apartment as she wailed.

Feeling a chakra signature at the door, Sasuke opened it, finding a Genin with a pale face and wide, twitching eyes.

"This is for you!" he exclaimed, practically shoving a scroll in Sasuke's chest.

Sasuke eyed him flatly, and then read the scroll, trying to ignore Sanae crying right in his ear.

You've been summoned to the Hokage's office.

—Hatake Kakashi, Rokudaime Hokage

"Dismissed," Sasuke said, not looking up from the scroll. His eyes were narrowed and far away, wondering if he was right about what Kakashi wanted.

Had he drafted the speech so soon?

"I'm supposed to watch the baby, sir!" the Genin said, though sweat was beading at his forehead and he was subconsciously inching further and further away from Sasuke.

"Dismissed," Sasuke said again, watching as the Genin practically ran down the hall. He sighed, looking down at Sanae.

Taking care of a baby was hard.

Sasuke went the less-populated route to the Hokage Tower, since the village was bustling more than usual. He didn't know if all the noise would upset Sanae even more.

By the time he was walking into Kakashi's office, Kakashi was turned around in his seat, facing the window. All Sasuke could see was his spiky, left-leaning hair.

"I had Iruka bring in a pen for Sanae-chan. Pakkun is in there, too."

Sasuke hummed, turning to look at the little play-pen. It was a nice size and like Kakashi said, Pakkun was already in there. There were some stuffed animals and baby toys, as well.

'He knew I wouldn't leave her with the kid,' Sasuke thought, sitting Sanae gently on the floor in the pen.

She settled as soon as she saw Pakkun, smiling tiredly and crawling over to him. "Dog!" she chanted.

"Yeah, yeah, brat," Pakkun, a little Ninja pug, mumbled, letting Sanae play with his fluffy ears.

"What do you want, Kakashi?" Sasuke asked plainly, taking a seat across from Kakashi at his desk.

"Maa... always so rude," Kakashi said, turning around to face Sasuke. "I'm sure you remember our conversation on the Hokage Mountain."


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