2: Settling In

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The rest of the day made Sasuke's pockets hurt. He and Sakura had dropped off Sanae at the hospital nursery, where Sakura asked Shizune to keep an eye on her. Then, they had went touring the Jounin-residences.

There were about three apartment buildings built specifically for Jounin. Usually, you'd have to get on a waiting list to be considered for the housing. However, after the Pain attack and the blow to Konoha's elite Ninja the Fourth Shinobi World War had brought, there was a saddening amount of apartments that were suddenly available to be filled.

The two went to the one in the heart of the village, just a few blocks from the hospital and a playground (something Sasuke hadn't even considered, but Sakura told him it would be convenient). He trusted her judgment more than his own on this sort of thing.

He had picked out a two-bedroom, one-bath apartment with a connected kitchen and living room. The design was more modern than he was used to, as his childhood home had been a traditional one with sliding doors, a veranda, tatami mat flooring, etc.... It wasn't a bad place, though.

The walls in the living area were painted yellow for now and there were windows stretching along them. Because the apartment was on the highest floor, about three stories up, there was a nice view of the Hokage Mountain, a park, and the bustling, lively village in general.

("Bright colors are good for children. They help their brains develop!" Sakura had chirped when he blanched at the yellow walls).

Kakashi honestly worked quickly, because Sasuke hadn't even signed any Jounin application forms by the time a Genin had ran up to him with his upgraded Ninja ID—the photo used was one of him in jail with bandages over his eyes and bound, but, hey, he wouldn't complain. Jounin housing was cheaper than civilian housing. Sasuke found himself surprised by how proactive Kakashi could be when he wanted to.

After coughing up a year's worth of rent to the manager of the building (who eyed Sasuke with suspicion and distrust), Sakura took him to a shop dedicated to baby things. It was the most color he'd ever seen in one place in his whole life.

'Naruto would love this,' he thought, dubiously eyeing the bright yellow onesies, pink and light blue blankets, and multi-colored bottles, pacifiers, and socks.

Sakura had him push around a cart as she threw things in, chattering to him about what exactly everything did.

Sasuke paid as close attention as possible, knowing her explanations would come in handy, but there was just so much.

"This is a wipe warmer. It's a life-saver at the hospital. Makes them cry less if they don't like to be changed."

"There are babies that don't like to be changed?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

Sakura gave him an amused look. "There are babies that don't like to be looked at certain ways."

Sasuke inwardly groaned. His kin were dramatic, so he was sure Sanae would be, too.

"This is a bottle warmer. Never put bottles in the microwave."

"This is a changing pad you can use on the go. Because, you know, you don't wanna get poop everywhere."

"Get bright toys that will engage Sanae-chan and encourage motor function. Buttons, switches, that kind of thing."

"Here's a baby bath. Much easier than a sink."

"We'll get bottles with a variety of tops. Babies like to chew on things, especially when they're teething."

By the end of the trip, Sasuke's head was spinning from all the information Sakura had thrown at him. He knew she was trying to give him a crash course on baby care, but it wouldn't be enough.

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