10. Swimming

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Days flew by faster and faster, and Qibli quickly lost track of how many days they'd had the egg.He wasn't sure how long most eggs incubate for, but he was sure it wasn't too long.

Winter seemed nervous.Everyday he was hoping for Queen Majesty to come back and get the egg, but Qibli knew she wouldn't.Sure, deep, deep, deep down he hoped she would, but he really wanted to keep egg.

He didn't even know why.

His childhood was bad, he was mistreated and abused by his sister and brother, and never loved by his mom(he admits it now).He wanted to make sure that the dragonet in this egg had a happy life.And sure, being with his mother would be good, but growing up at Jade Academy would be so fun! Queen Majesty gave Qibli bad vibes, like she was up to something.

Qibli squinted, eyeing the egg.It had gotten bigger, it seemed.It was black with many golden sparkles.
Over the days, Qibli had been watching it closely, and it looked....brighter?

Winter let out a loud snort from his ledge, causing Qibli to look over at him.
His back was to Qibli, but he could tell the IceWing was tense.He was having, most likely, a bad dream.

"Winter?"Qibli said softly.He wanted to talk to him, so he mis well wake him up.But carefully and quietly, or else he'll be moody.

Winter's tail twitched when he heard his name, but he still didn't wake up.

"Winter!"Qibli yelped, slapping a talon over his mouth.He hadn't meant to yell!

Winter's head rose so fast, and he leapt up so quickly, he tumbled off his ledge and landed on his stomach, face smushed into the ground as he looked at Qibli with angry eyes.

"Sorry,"Qibli grinned sheepishly. "Didn't mean to scream, sleeping beauty."

Winter glared daggers at him, standing up and shaking himself mightily.He then stalked over to the egg and sat down beside Qibli. "What do you want from me? I'm awake, you mis well tell me."

"Do you think the egg is bigger? Brighter?"Qibli launched right into the questions.He would've loved to tease Winter some more, especially as he was grumpy all ready, but he was quite curious about the egg.

"Bigger, no.It looks the same size as when we got it- errr, you got it.
Brighter, yes.It nearly hurts to look at."Winter squinted.

"You're right."Qibli agreed, finding the egg a bit too sensitive for him.

"So the eggs been here for, what, fifteen days?"Winter titled his head, which Qibli totally didn't find attractive.


"And it sat in the forest for how long?"
Winter frowned.

"Not sure.I'm assuming at least forty days."

"Then it's around fifty-five days old.That's more than halfway done."
Winter's eyes widened.He seemed nervous.

"How do you know so much about eggs?"Qibli smiled.He liked this side about Winter.The smart, nerdy side rather than the angry, snappy, violent side.

"IceWing school.Covers a lot of boring stuff about reproduction."Winter shrugged.

"So how long do most eggs incubate for?"Qibli asked him.It would be nice to know.

"Most? Around 70-80 days.I'm not sure about GlitterWings though.Which made me wonder something.How do you plan on taking care of this dragonet? It's a GlitterWing-SandWing hybrid, and we don't know anything about GlitterWings."Winter scowled at the egg.

"Well, we'll borrow scrolls from Starflight about GlitterWings.There's bound to be something about them.It'll be fine, Winter."

"Whatever you say, Qibs."Winter sighed, turning around and leaving the room. "Don't be late for class."

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