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Another school week passed and another party I was invited too. This time it's a man who lives in Turksville, we live an hour away. The man invited all of us to come. Will know's him from football. And I got to know him at an after the game party. Which was fun. But I left at 10:30 so that I can finish studying for my Math test the next day. Which AKA I got a 95%. The man who I seem to keep calling his name is actually, Nathan Jorey! My cousins friend.
The day of the party, my mother and father came home. They talked to me. But it wasn't my dad, it was well I have no clue who the man was. "Mom,who is this?" Asked Gia. "This, is Joey Gordland. We've been dating for quit a while. And sweet heart, you now have a step father! I am married!" Yelled mom as she gave me a hug and s kiss. "Mom?! What about my real dad?! Why are you moving this fast forward?! Why do you decide now to talk to me. If you had known my name, and why i was always upset than you wouldn't be very happy." Said Gia as she ran out the door into her car. Gia raced over to Will's house to find Will, and Amber outside of there house with cop cars and fire trucks and worse of all. An ambulance and a black bag. "What happen?!" Gia yelled as she came over to Willa and Amber. Amber was crying and Will was holding her with Gia giving them a nice tight hug. "Are you Gia Flue and Will and Amber?" Asked the young officer. "Yes." said Will in a shy voice. "We have some good news and some bad news. The good news is there is nothing that is going to be charged against any of you, including your parents ." Said the officer. "But we found a body. And that's why we needed you here Gia. we think that we found your sister." Said the officer in a disappointment. "I don't have any other sisters only one brother who's alive. My sisters both died and my oldest brother died too!" Said Gia in a scared way. "May we call your mother down and your father." Said the officer. "My father is in jail my step father isn't he's with my mother. And you may." said Gia.

"Gia what the hell is wrong with you why did you leave us?!?!?" Screamed Joey.
"Your not my dad and you'll never be! Get that." Gia said running over to Will as she started to cry. "Are you still going to the party probably not right?" Said Gia.
"I am as long as you do." soda Will
"I'm going." said Gia.

5:30-heading to Turksvile

As I walked in to the great house, I brought chips and some games and a movie. "Thanks for inviting me! I think Will is going to be here in 10." Said Gia "Kk." Said Nathan. He walked away to get me a drink. "Thanks" I said softly.

When I came out of the backyard. An hour or two latter I went to go and get a beer. To see Will with another girl. I thought eh it's okay he probably is just making a conversation. By 12:00 I went inside to go to the restroom, and I heard, Will talking to a girl and what he is going to do at 2:30 and where.

2:30 Will went upstairs as so did the woman. I followed acting like I was going to the bathroom or getting something from my purse. When I went into the room. There was Will and oh my god! It's Ava, my newest friend. Who's a girl! I walked into the room slowly so they didn't know I came in. I saw Will and Ava kissing and 'having fun'. As what I call it. "Will?!" I yelled. "Gia what are you doing here?!" As he pulled up his pants and put on his shirt. "Will I thought you loved me!!" As Gia ran down the stairs out of the room. Will chased her down the stairs. "Gia stop! Wait!" Yelled Will everyone was looking and still some talking was going on. Will pushed Gia down the stairs to stop her. Gia didn't get up. She started to cry. Ava came over to Gia and slapped her accord the face. Gia got up and started to fight punch by punch Ava had a bloody nose and and black eye. Everyone cheated. Gia raced out of the house and got into her car. She slammed the door. And took off. "Gia no!!!" Yelled Will as he took out a baseball bat and smashed her car lights and the glass. Gia zoomed off. Will followed her.

Gia wasn't going very fast but Will
Was 159 MPH and Gia was only going 65 MPH.

Gia stop get out of your car and talk to me. I can explain.
No get away.
I won't. I love you. I need to talk to you!
No. Not today. Or any day.
Pull over before I PUNCH U TO DEATH. 😤
Will stop were over. I saw you doing "it" with my best friend. I have enough on my plate.
Okay. Than. I wanted to do "it" to u
What ever.
Why don't you just call it sex already.
Bc I don't like too.

"Why won't he just stop?!" Yelled Gia steaming in tears. She hit her head on the wheel. And pulled over.
"Get out" said will.
"Why" Gia said.
"Because I said." Said will
Gia got out.
Will kept hitting punches until I ran to the car and drove off.
I started to cry and bleed I figured that I'd Better go to the hospital.


As Gia made the left a gasoline truck smashed head first and exploded. Gia was hopeful to be alive.

The oil tankers truck had leaked. On her car. Will finally was slower and he called 911 as soon as he saw who it was and what happen.

"We have an accident on um Higgins road. My friend here she is hit by a gas truck and it spilt help!?" Said Will tearing up. "We're in our way!" Said the woman in the other end of the line.

Ambulances and police and fireman
911 calls

"Why did this happen?"

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