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"Welcome to Hollywood!" Will would tell to the guest as they entered. I had put all of the food out on the table all of the drinks in there garage so that if we get caught we could hide it on the vent. we put all of the games on one table. All night we went from truth or dare to Cards Against Humanity. It was so much fun. Me and Will were challenged
To climbed up a tall think tree all the way to the top, or to as high as we could go. Me and him made it to the top in 5:45.6 seconds/minutes. Will win by a minute. Only because I had tall heels on.

By the time it was 10:39 everyone was drinking and way to much. Will isn't a big drinker so me and him took only one beer and for the rest of the night we drank sprite or coke and but it in a beer bottle too make it look like we were drinking too. We got board at Will's house and we went into the woods. At 1:20 on the morning the boys were setting off fireworks. One of them thought that a firework was a cigarette and put it in there mouth, they drank too much. And I'll say that. They set the firework on fire and I ran over to the guys right before it went off. Knowing Quin who was the man with the firework in his mouth, he would have actually ran after it. The firework exploded as soon as I got it in my hands and we passed it around like a backed potato. We set another one but we played Capture the Flag. It was the best night ever. Everyone slept over Will's house. The girls slept in his sister, Ambers room. I stayed in the boys room and I would go over to Amber to play with her, the girls would play Barbies with her and braid hair. Since she is only 5-6 and her b-day was the next day. When she fell asleep all the boys and the girls called all of her friends well the parents and told them to be here at 10:3O in the morning for breakfast and a all day birthday party, and a sleepover. The girls got to decorate and be princess and Barbie dolls. The men were the boy Barbies, Kings, princess, and servants. We got rid of all of the beer and put it all in a safe spot. We had some parents stay and keep watch on some of the kids. It was so much fun. We all did a field trip to the lake at 7:0O and we lit off lanterns like they did in Repunzul. Than some of the kids stayed with Quin, Lexi,Joey, and Ella to do a dance. They played little kid games like leap frog, Hid-and-go-seek. They had a great time. And in the morning the kids were out side playing many games. Some of the boys played with them and I played and helped Will clean up. There wasn't a mess. We had cleaned up most of the stuff when the kids came here before. The messiest part of the house is the garage. We put the table away, washed the floors, and through out the garbage. Will saved all of the beers that his parents liked. After everyone left. Amber went into her room and the girls all watched Barbies with her blanket and her stuffed animals. "Hey, Amber?! You didn't open all of your presents!" Said Gia walking in with at least 40 presents. She received many toys r us gift cards
And her most favorite one of her gifts from her friends was a stuffed monkey that would say,"best friends for life love Maggie". Then we all came in with presents from us. I got her a little baby giraffe and a gift card to the Bronx zoo shop. Her favorite is what her brother got her
A life sized giraffe family. That is what we all went for, animals sweet kind animals. She deserved all of this, with her parents divorce and her little baby sister who was hurt In a car accident. With my father. That was the day he was take to jail. And the reason why he went.
I'm over that now and I moved passed it. Now I live a new history of my life! A better segment!

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