home visits

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clawd ☠️💗:
your boyfriend clawd invited you over today for some pizza and to watch a movie. you always wanted to go to clawd's house so you were excited.
when the two of you walked in, all you could say was, "woah," there was about 10 little puppies running around, jumping on you and clawd who was holding a box of pizza.
"hey ghoul, sorry about the mess," clawdeen said as you and her shared a quick hug.
you smiled at her, "don't worry about it."
"stop it guys, this pizzas for me and (y/n)!" clawd shouted at his little puppy brothers as he grabbed your hand and the two of you ran upstairs to his room.
you laughed as you collapsed on his bed. clawd shut and locked his door before sitting next to you, "sorry about that," he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.
"don't worry, clawd," you smiled, leaning up to kiss him.

deuce ☠️💚:
deuce wanted you to come over to his house today to listen to some music he's recently gotten into. everytime he found a new band, he wanted to play a song for you and see if you liked it as much as he did.
you walked up the steps to the stone house and knocked. you waited a few moments until the stone door opened and medusa answered. your eyes widened while she quickly put some shades on, "sorry about that, dear," she smiled, allowing you in, "you just be deuces ghoulfriend?"
you nodded with a smile, "yes, i'm (y/n)," you shook her hand, "medusa. deuce is just upstairs."
you nodded and walked up, finding your boyfriend with a guitar in his hands.
"sick guitar, stud," you said with a wide smile.
"thanks babe, wanna play it?" he asked you and you quickly nodded, taking a seat.
now this was awesome.

holt/jackson ☠️❤️:
you invited jackson over for a family dinner. you knew how nervous he was but you kept telling him that'd he be fine. the two of you sat at your kitchen table now surrounded by your mother, father and your sister, frankie.
you and jackson secretly hold hands under the table as the awkwardness increases.
"so, my (y/n) tells me you do good in school?" your father asked jackson and he nodded, swallowing nervously, "y-yes sir, i do."
your father smiled, "that's what i like to hear."
suddenly, frankie's iCoffin ringtone went off and your eyes widened as you reached for your headphones to stop jackson from turning but it was too late; next to you sat holt.
your parents stared at your boyfriend in shock while you stared down at your plate.
"now that was cool!" your mother smiled, making you smile and your father to nod in agreement, "you're one cool monster, son."
"thank you sir," holt grinned, "any song changes me. it's pretty sick."

valentine ☠️💘:
you stayed home today due to not feeling well. your very protective father had checked up on you 30 times in the past hour and you had it. he was being annoying per usual. suddenly, you heard a tap at your bedroom window. you crawled off your bed and walked over to it, smiling when you saw valentine outside holding flowers and chocolates. you left your room and sneakily walked downstairs of your royal palace which was covered with guards. you heard your father talking to your sister, nefera, and quickly ran past, not being seen. when you made it outside, you threw your arms around valentine, breathing in his familiar sent, "val, i missed you," you said as he placed you down on the ground, gently.
"i missed you too, angel," he handed you the flowers and chocolates, "so so much."
the two of you kissed but were interrupted when your father and sister walked outside, spotting you two.
"(Y/N)!" your father shouted. you grabbed valentines hand and yelled, "run!" you laughed as you and valentine ran away from your crazy father.

heath ☠️🧡:
heath was over at your house due to him, your brother and a few other mansters practicing for the graveball game coming up. you watched your boyfriend with a smile while drinking some water. "yo sis, grab me a glass?" your brother asked you and you nodded, walking into the house.
as you poured the glass of water for deuce, you felt arms wrap around your waist and you knew who it was immediately due to their heated skin, "this is where you ran off to?" he whispered into your ear as he kissed your neck.
you laughed slightly before turning and handing him a glass of water, "i got you a glass," you told him and he smiled but frowned when he accidentally melted the glass. you laughed, "that's okay, it was a broken glass anyway."
"okay," he smiled.

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