attack of the normies

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clawd ☠️💗:
there had been an attack at the school from the normies and clawd wolf was looking all over for you. all the ghouls were running in fear while headmistress bloodgood announced on the loudspeaker to remain calm.
you were with your friends, all hiding in the cafeteria. the doors of the cafeteria flew open and your boyfriend appeared, making all your worries vanish. the two of you ran to each other with smiled and hugged, never letting each other go.
"you scared me, clawd," you spoke in a whisper while looking up at him.
he smiled and pecked your lips, "im here now, we're okay."

deuce ☠️💚:
over the weekend, there had been a attack at school by the normies. you and your sister clawdeen stood outside of school monday morning, staring at the toilet that covered the front of it.
"now that's so messed up," you said, your sister nodding in agreement.
"i've been looking everywhere for you, babe," deuce said in worry as he wrapped his arms around you.
you smirked at your boyfriend, "aw, worried about me?" you asked while clawdeen laughed from your side. although you couldn't see, you knew you rolled his eyes at you.
"only for you babe."

holt/jackson ☠️❤️:
normy attacks were the new normal. those people hated the ghouls from monster high and you never understood why. you're all the same except they're regular humans and're monster humans.
"did you hear about the attack the other night?" you asked your boyfriend jackson as you waited for him to get his things from his locker.
he nervously nodded before shutting the door, "uh yeah, (y/n), those are really scary."
you smiled at him, "don't worry, jacky, i'll protect you," you teased with a smirk.
suddenly, music was heard and he changed into holt, "what's that baby, you said you'd protect me from normies?" he asked, wrapping his arm around you.

valentine ☠️💘:
valentine was very protective over you so when he heard about the attack from the normies, he stayed with you at all times, never letting you out of his sight. you didn't mind though it was annoying at times. you couldn't even hang out with your friends!
"val, please, the ghouls and i want to go hang together just us ghouls," you told val as you gathered your things from your locker.
"you're not going anywhere, sugar. have you heard for those attacks?" his voice cracked and you finally heard his real voice.
"i heard your real voice!" you laughed, pointing at him.
his eyes widened and he sighed in sadness, "you probably think i sound like such a geek."
you shook your head, staring deep into his loving eyes, "i don't, i like it."

heath ☠️🧡:
heath didn't know what to think of the attack on school but the moment he found out you were there, he was quick to your side every moment of everyday. you had gotten a little banged up since you and your brother fought of some of the normies.
"heath please, i'm fine," you whined, as he grabbed your bags for you.
"i don't care, (y/n), im taking care of ya," he smiled widely as you walked to class.

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