Chapter 4 Choose between two friends

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In the very early morning Simon got a call from Nelson. He asked him to come to the White House. When he arrived, saw the children of Jakku crowded in the square before. And Nelson met him there. Entering the main hall, Simon saw a few senators he never met before what made him little surprised. He asked to Nelson, "Who are this guys?"

"Young Children of Jakku wanted a place in senate. A few of them got what they wanted. The others are protesting in front of the White House." Nelson answered taking his place. "The more important question is where are old senators? Five of us disappeared, very mysteriously."

Simon took the place next after Nelson and waited. The door opened and Karl Zavier entered. Nelson got up welcoming him and started his talking, "Brothers, as you know, enemies always are around. Trying to creep into our ranks. Kill us. However, in this difficult time you waste your potential in misplaced arguments. Five of us mysteriously disappeared and this wasn't intrigues of enemies, outsiders. Reckless attack on the starship from far away. I ask you, from now, discuss your ambitious idea with me. I had been leading you since we started this uprising. I respected your wishes, you know. You're safe while believe in me. Believe in me today. Today, we need to replace our losses. This why I asked Karl Zavier come here. You don't give attention that he had a prejudice against taking Jakku sector under our own command. He is a friend indeed, just has his own outlook on the world. I invite him to take a seat at the Senate table. There is no need for fight for us. We should protect our Republic together. There is no objection to that, I hope." then Nelson said quietly. "Welkom in Council, Karl."

"Allow me to cut to the point." Simon heard familiar female voice. She looked like Finn's death put a big strain on her. "I have an objection. Yesterday you threatened war. As result people have died. Do you really think you can kill a few people and show up here like nothing has happened?"

"Are you talking about Stormtrooper what died in attempt on my life? Killed as result of your brazen attack."

She opened her eyes wide and froze for a moment, "Arrest. That's what we do with a warmongers. If you want to say that my action was not justified, you need to prove it to a tribunal. I won't let you take a place in the Senate before you answer for every crime."

Most of Senators supported her decision and Nelson couldn't hide his vexation, "Why I'm not surprised? If this means trial, so be it. At least, it's clear now who is on my side."

"The trial will be today," one of senators said. "At eight this evening. I hope you'll be ready. And we are adjourned."

Nelson got up and headed to the door but Simon asked him, "Senate looks hostile. Are you sure you can win?"

"Of course they are. I summoned shortage of miscreants under my flag to sweep aside the flag of Empire. However, I never belong them. This why they don't want me to have a power here. This guys out of control. I have but one now. You stay here and listen Karl. I'll need as new senator."

"What you gonna do, Nelson?"

"Do my duty and bring peace in my kingdom."

Nelson went away and Simon asked himself, "What should I do now? Stay here and wait his instruction like always? I have something to tell her."

Karl went over to him and asked, "What you looking at, boy? I thought you'll be pleased that we have a team now. But you don't seem too excited."

"Her. We haven't had a chance to talk still she lost the friend. May I go to her for a few words?"

"Are you talking about the girl who is Force sensitive? I see. You're sympathize with her. I'm not judging but want to warn you. You'll need make your decision soon."

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