Raised in Empire

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One day Finn asked Simon to join in picnic on the orbit around Jakku. They watching the sun go down behind the Jakku, as the starship enter the atmosphere. All this time they was talking about this and that. With another glass Simon said, "It's not been that long since our first meeting but it feels like we know each other all life."

"I would say the same if I know what your face looks like. But you hide it over the mask all time."

"The first of Children of Jakku use a mask. It's a philosophy has been started by Nelson. He tried to created image of faceless hero of revolution. Either I do."

"Why, if your deal is right?"

"Most of us are the same Stormtroopers. We are accustomed to being nameless and faceless troops in hands of Empire. You're Stormtrooper too. Don't you want use a mask?"

"No, thanks. I have great face."

"Once Nelson said that one of us will inherit his mask and manage children of Jakku. I hope I will. This why I'm trying to get used to mask."

"Will you hide behind it in a talk with me?"

"Yes, I will." Simon came to the window and saw three TIE fighter moving toward the spaceship. "Senators. What they're doing in here?"

"Why do you think that it's senators?"

"Man, there aren't many TIE fighters in our sector. And not many pilots to fly on them. Be sure it's our senate. But this ship I don't recognize. It's the guest from far away I guess."

"Interesting." Finn came to the window and saw TIE fighter attacked the spaceship. "What do they do?"

"Let's go to Nelson."

"Don't you want to ask them?"

"Of course not. Who knows what's going on in their minds? Maybe we will be next." Simon stand near cockpit seat and said, "Get us out of here."

"I'll get right on that. And I took a picture."

"This picture won't safe the screw from death." Said Finn sadly.

"I can try to pick them up if they take escape pod." She saw as the starship exploded and said, "Forget it. There's no way they survived. Sure, not."

Finn and Simon keep an eye on the burning spaceship what has left behind. Watched as three predators tear their pray in the black space until the sky turned blue and clear. An hour later, they found Nelson in his office, watching the breaking news. Simon said first, "Nelson, what is going on here? Senators has attacked peaceful starship."

"What do I know? They didn't tell me anything about it. That could be anybody: Empire's delegate, smuggling ship or space pirate. We're not alone in the galaxy. I have another problem now. Look at this. Papa Karlo recognized to make a statement."

"Why? I heard that he went to retire few days ago."

They looked at the screen and saw Karl talking, "I beg you think, dear residents of Jakku. We were glory Empire before but who are we now? Who manage our sector? Space pirates. And the brazen attack on the visitor from far away is confirmation. Don't you see that Nelson is not a new hope? He is not someone who will lead us to peace. Join to ranks of Empire. We will bring crime to an end. Only this way we will make the galaxy great again."

"How emotional. He is repeating after me. Not very success, I guess. I know one thing. He found a few starfighters and now he is looking for someone who will drive it. He training a new pilot."

"He is gaffer with a sign of dementia." Said Finn. "What he can teach anybody?"

"This why he asked Scott Fryer for help. This guy always responses for foolishness. And this foolishness is gonna turn into a new war for us. Part of our people defected. Maybe they wouldn't if I gave them what did they hope joining the Children of Jakku. I'll take it into account next time. But current issues is what am I going to do with him? With Karl. Do you have any idea?" His eye lighted but the red beam ignored Simon and Finn.

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