Planet Jakku

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Somewhere on the planet what have a surface like scorched desert. The wind blow, the clouds spread their shadow on the city. Thousands people are crowding on a street. Night is nearly. One thousand tired and went home, but another thousand come to replace. At that moment the Empire fighters decided to catch one man what have gotten separated from the others. They followed him anticipating success of their hunt but the man found salvation in the car on his way. This running car made a break in front of him and shot the troopers. Then the driver ordered to get in the car.

Five minutes prior that happened that car had stood apart from the crowd. The man inside was looking at the riots in the city. He said, "I can't to believe that the news about the Emperor's death brought a lot of joy in our air. He died with a bang and we graved him with a bang. Looks like the party in his honor will never end." He looked at the dark-haired woman in the driver's seat.

She was looking at the road thoughtfully, holding hand on the wheel. After minute of silence and said, "Interesting, how long will it take before they look in a fridge and find it empty?"

"Oh, you're cranky."

"I'm rational. Yes, the rebels won a great victory. However, what is the meaning of this? For us, at least. We are still here in the cosmic junkyard. I'm confused and don't know what should I fighting for."

"Girl, you still don't know? What if I told you that we should to find a government now?" He turned on the car radio and began channel-surfing.

"Let me guess... Lord Nelson.

"Listen me everyone and don't pretend you didn't hear!" they heard the voice from the radio. "Empire's tyranny days has come to end. Lost with our loved Emperor and his Death Star what exploded with him together. We have a new hope to build our great republic. Victory is near but remnants of the Imperials still try to say the word in the history of our galaxy. Little warrior, join the Children of Jakku. Clean up the world of remnants Empire."

"Clean up the world of us?" the woman laughed. "What a stupid idea."

Man looked through the window and saw the man running away from the Storm Troopers. "Look at this. Our colleagues are very brave when they've got the numbers."

"Let's pick him up."

The man made ready his rifle and gave his answer, "Okay, let's do this! And I'm gonna threat them a little."

The car moved and made a little break to pick the passenger. A few shoot through the window and they run away with a new passenger on the back seat. The passenger breathed hard but said them "Thank you for help. I'm so happy one rubble stands by another. Are you rubble?"

"Not exactly. Traitors. Finn Ryan. I was Storm Trooper until Emperor Palpatine died. This's my friend and colleague TIE Fighter..." The car jumped because of getting shoot and Finn lost his train of thought. He shoot through the window again. "What the matter with them? I didn't hit anything still I became to be a trooper." Finn lied back and put the rifle dawn. Deep breath and he said, "At least, looks like I scared them enough."

The driver turned her head to passenger and asked, "Why they was so mad at you?"

"Did you hear about Lord Nelson and Children of Jakku? So... I joined the Children of Jakku and now I known as Storm killer Erik Simon.

Finn laughed, "Cool, Storm killer. How much Storm troopers have you killed?"

"Man. This is not something I want to talk. I thank you for safe my ass but you're Imperials."

"Traitors, as I said. I want to join Children of Jakku."

"Do you?"

"I wish I could join your rings, too." The girl said. "There is not empire anymore. We have a little group of officer, who makes look like everything under control, on one side and humans of revolution on another."

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