1-Strange Places

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I kept my eyes shut tight. I already knew I wasn't in my bed, or even at home... This was getting out of hand. I slowly opened my eyes. It had happened again, this was the second time this month. I woke up in a strange place away from home, only this time I wasn't far. I was on the ground in an alley way I took on my way home. My clothes were filthy! I was in my pajamas; an over sized T-shirt, and shorts. So, embarrassingly I seemed naked! I stood up and brushed myself off the best I could do and ran home. I had no idea what time it was, and didn't want to worry my mom--That woman had enough on her plate; two jobs... Me. I was probably worse than her jobs, I kept her on her toes, probably why I saw a gray hair... I really tried not to be a pain but always managed. Since we moved here I was extra careful, this sleepwalking was the last thing we needed, I just won't mention it.

My bare feet were cold and probably black at this point. Manhattan was not known for the cleanest streets. I always almost there. I went to open the door, it swung open and hit me in the face!

"Oh my god!" My mother screamed.

"Ow!" I said stepping down the stairs holding my nose.

Geeze, Chloe you scared me!" My mother said. I gave her a dirty look still holding my nose. "Let me see," she pulled my hands from my face, looked at my nose wide eyed. My heart dropped into my chest.

"What...?" I said, fear in my voice. My mom looked up at me with that terrified look.

"It's perfectly fine," she said and patted me on the shoulder. I took a breath.

"Thanks mom," I laughed.

"You're very welcome hunny," she kissed me on the forehead. "Have a good day," she left for work and didn't question my behavior. I sighed in relief, she probably just thought I was getting some air or something, the house always was stuffy, or maybe she was too busy to notice.

I went inside the house, it was really cold. We kept having problems with the heat, something was wrong with it but no one had the time or money to fix it. I ran up the stairs to the bathroom and showered. When I got out I changed into something presentable. I had no one to impress, but wearing something other than sweat pants counted for something.

I walked to the school's bus stop. A friend of mine was standing waiting for the bus. His name was Jake, a weirdo, but my weirdo. He was an inch or two taller than me, brown hair, looks popular and is. He noticed me.

"Chloe, how'd you sleep" Jake joked. I had told him one time, but he'd never let it go.

"Oh, allys are so comfortable, you should try sleeping in one sometime" I replied sarcastically. He laughed. I softly punched him in the arm.

"Ow!" he said, rubbing his arm like it hurt.

"Knock it off and get on the bus" I joked, pushing him to the bus.

I joked about it but in all honesty, it terrified me. Was something wrong with me? I didn't know what was going on and somehow I needed to figure it out... I can't face this alone.

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