Chapter 4

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"Wow. Your place is amazing, Rune." Calen says just as we all enter Rune's room. It's been a week since Mr. Lockwell informed us about our assignment and we all decided to gather at Rune's place to draw up a draft of a plan for our 'comfort places'. I don't think this assignment makes any sense. Who would want to share that? That too with a group of people we won't even meet after a year. But I have to do this.

Making my parents pay for my future college is just going to make me more weak and mad at myself. Being young and living carelessly looks pleasant to adults, but what can we do when we can't experience the happiness that is all around us? when we don't even have that much energy to joyfully dance or scream at the top of our lungs?

I have to do my absolute best in this assignment. And despite how annoying the group members seem, they are also quite committed to this. I wonder, why? But then again I have just known them for a couple of days.

"Thank you." Rune responds, blushing slightly and flashing a shy smile.

"I know right! Rune's house is the best. He's really rich." Elle exclaims with wide happy eyes.

"My parents are, not me."

"Your parents seem great too. Aren't they the one who broke the record for donating the highest money in the town's oldest hospital?"
Calen's voice sounds too calm for someone who is an athlete. He always seems to be in control and he never looks like the other rowdy, popular sport kids in school. I've seen him walking down the hallways just smiling at everyone, not raising his voice even when his teammates are screaming at each other.

"They're also the ones who made the paper publish it." Rune answers with a little smile but a serious tone.

"Alright. Now can we start discussing our assignment?" Joe speaks before they hit the awkwardness.

"Yes. Okay. So," Elle stops, furrowing her brows and looks at me, "Jayce. Come sit a little closer. We really don't bite." They all look at me, sitting in the corner of the room.

I carry myself and sit with them. Calen, Elle and me sitting on the couch and Joe sitting on the floor with headphones around her neck and Rune sitting beside her passing a notebook and a pen to Elle.

"So, what do we do?" Elle glances at all of us with her lips pouted and fingers clicking the pen.

"Well, just name your comfort places." Calen shrugs looking at her, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Okay. So, who's going first?" As soon as Rune finishes, everyone's attention shifts to me.

I sigh. Rub my face and tell myself I have to do this.

"Graveyard." They all pause for a spilt second and then slowly nod their heads. I wish I could have said something more teenager-like, but in all honesty, clubbing is overrated.

"That'" Rune clears his throat and with a small smile turns to Joe, "What about you, Joe?"

She looks up from a book she has been scribbling in and answers, "Anywhere except my house."


She starts scribbling again and without looking at any of us she says, "Don't oh me. What about your comfort place?"

He seems to think about it, like he's struggling to decide whether to tell the truth or not, he inhales, "Out of this town. There's a spot." We wait for him to continue but he gives his head a little nod and finishes by saying, "I don't want to tell where exactly right now." Everyone silently nods and doesn't question him further.

"Calen, how about you?" In an effort to reduce the tension, Elle asks. Why is it so damn difficult for all of us to respond to such a basic question?

"Yeah. You must have some cool bar or cafe place." Rune chuckles, scratching his neck.

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