The past

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Trevor tapped Alice's on the shoulder "my dear"

Alice turned to him "hello" she smiled brightly

Elijah stared at her as Trevor introduced the two "Alice this is Elijah. I was telling him about your friend Katerina"

"A pleasure my lord" she bowed shaking his hand

He kissed her hand "pleasures all mine Alice "

Alice walked on with Elijah "so where's this mysterious Klaus that I've heard so much about ?" She began to ask

"Fashionably late. He likes to make an entrance" he pointed "here he is"

Alice turned to see the man. He was greeting everyone on his way. He looked at her and walked up to her "Alice may I introduce to you the lord Niklaus"

"Alice Chambers" She said as Klaus beamed "pleasure to meet you Niklaus"

"Niklaus is the name my father gave me. Please call me Klaus" he smiled sweetly "would you like to walk ?" He put out his arm

She linked his arm "of corse" She smiled back at Elijah before leaving with Klaus.


Days later

"no you can't outrun me" Alice said laughing running from Elijah "you're meant to catch me"

"Well if I catch you the game will be over"

"Then we can play again. Thank you for looking after me" she smiled

"I saw you inside so I took pity on you" he mocked "you looked rather bored"

"Klaus has been obsessed with Katerina" she sat down "he is a very charming man"

"And yet ?"

"I don't understand why he is interested. I think he feels threatened by me" she sat down "is it bad that I want more ?"

Elijah sat down next to her "do you have more in Trevor"

"Trevor believes he loves me but true love can't happen unless it is reciprocated" she stated "do you agree ?"

"I do not believe in love Alice"

She shook her head "that is too sad to accept. Life is too hard, if we don't believe in love what's the point of living ?"

Klaus interrupted "he's returned" Elijah stood up

Alice looked at his shirt "you have blood all over you. What happened ?"

"Down town chose a fight" he grabbed her shoulder "come on" he said taking her. She looked back at Elijah.

 She looked back at Elijah

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