E Pluribus Unum

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"Why are we always the ones to save the world?"


the teens all huddled together in the middle of the waiting room as the lights flashed above them. They knew something was wrong. Flashing lights was never a good sign.

Will reached up and touched the back of his neck. "He's here."

"Nancy and Jonathan." Liv breathed out.

Mike looked at her before running off. Max took Liv's hand in her own as they all followed after Mike. They all walked past the lady at the desk, ignoring her protests, so that they could get to Jonathan and Nancy as quick as possible.

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" The lady called after them.

Liv made eye contact with the lady as she yelled at them. Mike ran over to the elevators with the others following him and repeatedly pressed the up button.

"Stairs." Mike said as he spotted the doorway to the stairwell.

They all quickly ran up the stairs. Once they exited the stairwell they looked around before spotting Jonathan trying to get into a room. They ran over to him and El ripped the door off of its hinges with her powers.

Inside the room, a fleshy spider monster was about to pounce on Nancy. It shrieked as the door flew into it. It turned to face the others at the door and roared

"Jesus." Mike said.

"What the fu-"

The monster roared again, cutting of Max's sentence. The monster walked over to them but El used her powers to slam it into a wall. She threw it to the other wall and then to the ceiling before she threw it back on the ground.

The monster quickly recovered from being tossed around like a punching bag and roared at Jonathan and the teens. El used her powers to throw the fleshy monster out of the window, causing glass to fly everywhere.

Jonathan ran into the hospital room to check on Nancy while the teens went out to check on the weird flesh monster. After Jonathan made sure Nancy was okay, he and Nancy caught up to the others as they exited the hospital.

El protectively put out her arms signaling for the others to stop running. Max came to an abrupt stop, causing Liv to bump into her and almost fall over. They all stood and watched as the monster went into the sewer drain leaving nothing but a few bones behind.


The next morning everyone was gathered in Hopper's cabin. El was in her bedroom trying to find people in the void while Will, Jonathan, and Nancy were in the kitchen and Lucas, Liv, Mike, and Max were in the living room.

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