The Spy

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"Are you trying to ask me to be your date?"


Once Steve pulled up to Dustin's house he, Liv, and Dustin got Steve's bat from the trunk and made their way over to Dustin's cellar.

"I don't hear shit." Steve said after a minute of staring at the cellar door.

"He's in there." Dustin told him.

Steve hit the cellar door with his bat. When he heard nothing he hit it again only this time, harder.

"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead. You too, Liv." Steve shined his flashlight in Dustin and Liv's faces.

"It's not." Dustin said.

"It's not a prank, Steve. Quit blinding me." Liv moved Steves flashlight away from her face.

"You got a key for this thing?" Steve asked Dustin.

Dustin pulled out the key from his pocket. He handed it to Steve and he started to open the cellar door. Once it was opened Dustin shined the flashlight down there.

"He must be further down there. I'll stay up here in case he tries to... escape." Dustin cowardly said.

Steve shook his head at him before grabbing the flashlight and started to walk down the stairs. Liv followed him.

Steve pushed her back. "Stay here."

"No. If you're dying I'm dying too." Liv told him.

Steve rolled his eyes before continuing his journey down the steps with Liv right behind him. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, Steve shined the flashlight around while Liv turned on the cellar light. Steve looked down and saw some weird goo on the floor. He picked it up with his bat and stared at it in confusion. Liv tapped Steve's arm when she saw the giant hole in the wall.

"Steve? Liv?" Dustin's voice came from above. "Guys, what's going on down there?"

Steve shined his flashlight back up at Dustin. "Get down here."

Dustin came down into the cellar and saw the goo on Steve's bat. "Oh, shit."

Liv pointed to the giant hole in the wall.

"Oh, shit!" Dustin repeated.

The three of them walked over to the hole and Steve shined his flashlight into it.

"No way." Dustin whispered.


The next day Liv, Dustin, and Steve have come up with a way to trap Dart. They were gonna leave a trail of meat as bait and then when Dart shows up they're gonna burn him.

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