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Americas POV

I groaned, turning onto my back and stretching my arms out. I stare at the cave wall, confused for a minute, then it hit me. I just kissed Russia.. Holy shit.. And he even kissed me back! I let out a loud sigh, sitting up. Wait, where the fuck is he?

I stand up, looking around, shit.. Did I do something? I mean I fucking kissed him- but he kissed me back.. I don't know, I'm probably just overthinking. "Russia?" I say, hoping for him to respond. He probably just went out to chill or some shit, I mean it's Russia. What would you expect? 

I exit the cave, looking around to see if I could spot Russia anywhere. "Russia!?" I yell. "Yeah?" I jump from the sudden response. "Jesus.. Where the hell have you been?" I question him. "I've been here the whole time." He chuckles, causing me to roll my eyes. I notice something odd in the sky. "The fuck is that?" 

"Holy shit.. Is that a helicopter?!" Russia gasps. I can't help but smile. "Fuck yeah! Finally, dude!" I yell, waving my hands in the air hoping to get its attention and thankfully it landed onto the sand. 

I run towards it and see two professional looking men hop out. "Oh shit, aren't those the missing kids?" An officer whispered to the other, not noticing that we can clearly hear him as he is whispering loud as hell, I chuckle.

The other officer rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Jesus.." He groaned. "I'm glad you guys aren't dead, now hop into the helicopter. We'll get you two some water." The more professional officer says, guiding us inside and handing us water bottles. "Thanks." Russia says, unscrewing the water bottle cap and taking a huge gulp.

I stared at him, remembering just a few hours ago how I had kissed him.. Holy shit, I fucking kissed that commie?! I think I'm going insane, but damn me he just had to be so cute. I mean come on, I barely know this bastard other than our usual arguments, small chit-chat, group assignments, and the few days we stayed at this island.

Am I actually going fucking insane?

"Erica- America?" Russia was waving his hand in front of me. "H-huh what?" I blink. "You good?" He asks with a blank expression. I look away and sigh, how can he look so cute yet cruel at the same time?

"Uh, Russia?.." I ask, still looking away from him. "Mhnn?" He responds as he took a sip of his water. "I think I'm gay for you, man." I say, realizing how stupid that sounds as Russia laughed, choking on his water and coughing. "A-agh, sorry." He cleared his throat.

"No shit, we literally were cuddling last night and we kissed- twice." Russia says, clearly amused. "I barely know you.." I mumble. Russia let's out a loud sigh.

"It doesn't matter. I wanna get to know you better, Америка. Plus, I already know a lot like.. Your family, birthday, favorite color, shit like that." He grabs my chin, making me face him.

"Глупый американец.." (Silly american..)

I stare at him flustered.

"I know we had a ton of fights and shit but honestly, I always thought you were kinda cool. And now.. I think I love you.." He says, staring into my eyes.

"I think I'm going insane." I say. "Me too." Russia says, still staring deep into my eyes. "Kiss me." He blurts out of no where, holy shit! I stare at him wide eyed and decide to just fuck it, I mean come on. I kissed him twice already.

I close my eyes and the gap between our lips was closed, it felt like I was in pure heaven, like an angel just came upon me and brought me up. He then slips his tongue in, holy shit, holy shit..

"Hey uh, can you guys start making out when we get off the helicopter?"

The officer rubs the back of his neck. I quickly pull back, a strand of saliva breaking as I parted. Russia looked behind at the officer with an annoyed glare. I sit there flustered and just flip the officer off.

The officer let out a loud, dramatic groan. "Does this make us like.. Boyfriends now or some shit?" I ask and Russia stares at me for a moment before speaking up. "I guess." He stares at the wall, I wonder what he's thinking.

"What kind of foods do you like?" Russia asked. Huh, haven't really thought of that. I sat there for a minute thinking and finally answered.


Russia and I chatted for a good while til we finally landed on top of a building. "We're here, come on." The officers lead us outside and suddenly I was engulfed in a hug by my siblings, I smiled ignoring the fact that I was basically being suffocated by it. It was great to finally be back from that shithole.

"America! You're back!" Kiwi pulled back from the hug and grabbed my wrist leading me to the car. What the hell? "We have a surprise for you!" Kiwi shoves me into the car, crap! Shes strong as hell for her age, must've gotten it from mom. I swear mom could probably carry all four of us.

Everyone got into their seats. "Dude, I missed you!" Canada says, hugging me from his seat. "I'm glad to be back." I chuckle. "I also u-uh.. Kinda have some news.." Canada says, pulling away from the hug. Huh, what would've gotten him so nervous? Oh shit it must be intense!

"What is it?" I ask.

"I kissed Ukraine."

I cover my mouth to avoid screaming like a fan girl, like Japan when she finds me and Russia even looking at eachother. "Oh my god! Finally, I'm so happy for you little bro!" I say, absolutely ecstatic. I'm so happy, finally!

"Took you long enough." I chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah." Canada dramatically rolls his eyes. "Hey, Nada?" Canada sips from a juice box. "Hm?"

"Me and Russia are dating now." I smirk.

He coughs and nearly spits out his drink. "Y-you and Russia?!" He says, absolutely shocked. Honestly pretty funny to see him like this, I start laughing.

"Yeah." I chuckle, calming down a bit. "Holy syrup heavens.. Japan is gonna be happy." Canada responds, causing me to chuckle. Man, I forgot how much I missed these guys. "Were here." France says, stepping out of the car.

"I thought there was a surprise why are we at home?"

Now I'm confused. Is the party inside or something? "Well, we have to get you ready obviously! You smell like literal dog crap." Aussie says, pulling me inside. "Go take a shower, sooner you're done sooner we can go!"

Oh, that makes a lot more sense. "Alright, alright!" I head up into my room and look around. Jesus, it needs cleaned, I forgot how dirty I left it. I head over to my closet and pick out some clothes, nothing fancy. Just a simple t-shirt and jeans, my usual.

I head into the bathroom, savouring the warm cinnamon scent in the air. Mom kept a cinnamon incense in the bathroom as many people in this family kinda uh.. absolutely demolish the inside of the toilet bowl and make it smell like someone was murdered and chopped up into pieces.

I set my clothes down on the sink and look at myself in the mirror. Huh, I looked like shit. Theres scratches and dirt all over my face. I walk away from the mirror and turn on the shower.

I make sure it's a good temperature and strip out of my clothes. I step into the shower and enjoy the feeling of a nice warm shower after having to clean myself off in freezing ocean water.

I thought back to earlier, me and Russia are actually dating now.. Jesus, this all seems kinda fast but honestly.. I'm not really mad, maybe I wanted this all along? Could've just been the deserts fruit making me fruity.

Whatever it was it didn't matter anymore, I'm starting to miss that annoying, communist, bastard. God.. I'm actually going fucking insane, aren't I?

I lick my lips, getting reminded of how he tasted. That island wasn't too bad afterall, even though there was bears, wolves and those damn fruit spiders.. We still had a great time.

I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Hurry up! I wanna go already!" Aussie complained, jumping me out of my thoughts. "Let him shower in peace! He was the one who went missing, not you." Kiwi argues. "Ughh.. Fine, whatever."

I chuckled as they continued bickering. It feels great to be back, I really missed this, and now I even have a boyfriend. Crazy to think that Russian ended up being mine, how did this even happen? Will we even stay together? Probably, I don't expect anything changing anytime soon.

I can't wait to see how it goes from here.

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