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Canadas POV

I groaned as I was woken up by Aussie shaking me. "Uhrmn.. What?" I yawned, sitting up. "Those officers found a help sign on an island, and they said they found evidence and they're gonna test it!" Aussie yelled in excitement, wait.. Really? We might have a chance then!

"That's amazing news, Aussie!" I stand up from my bed and stretch, feeling nice and hopeful now that they have evidence. "Canada! Come downstairs!" Mom yells from downstairs. "Coming!" I run down the stairs, Aussie following behind. "Take a shower and get dressed, we are leaving in an hour." Dad says, of course sipping his tea.

"We're gonna set up a welcome party for Russia and America." Mom announced as she grabbed her purse, looking inside it. "They don't even know who could be at the island though?" I say, confused. "Well, dear. I have a good feeling about this." She says, organizing the cash in her purse.

"I'm gonna take a shower, Aussie there better not be any of your pets in the shower again!" I yell as I walk up the stairs, not looking forward to any scares at the moment. I adjust the water in the shower to the perfect temperature and strip from my clothes, tossing them to the side.

I set my hat on top of the sink and then I step into the shower, I sigh. I really hope the evidence is them, it has been so boring without Ame around. I hope they find him, I really do.


"Nada, dear. It's time to go!" Mom yelled from downstairs, I grab my phone and shove it into my pocket. I rush downstairs, seeing Kiwi and Aussie fighting. "Come on you two, stop fighting." She walked outside and headed to the car, opening the door and plopping into her seat.

"I'm gonna give America the biggest surprise ever!" Kiwi chuckled, sticking her tongue out at Aussie. "No, I will!" Aussie yelled, glaring at her. Of course, I was in the middle seat. "Aussie hit me!" Kiwi yelled out of no where. "What?! No I didn't! She's a liar!" Aussie gasped.

"Come on, please stop fighting. You both can surprise America." France sighed as she stopped at a red light. "Fine." They both said, crossing their arms and looking to their windows. Finally, peace. I take out my phone to text Ukraine.

Me: hey Ukraine, how are you?
1:21 PM

"Ooh, are you texting your girlfriend?!" Aussie teased. New Zealand glanced over and her eyes lighted up, oh dear.. This isn't good.. "Ukraine and Nada sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N--" I cover her mouth and groan. "You guys! We're just friends!" I complain. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, whatever." Aussie said, smirking.

My phone dings and I check for a response.

Ukraine<3: I'm good, hbu?
1:23 PM

Me: good! me & my family are going shopping for a welcoming party loll
1:24 PM

Ukraine<3: Oooh I have nothing to do atm, maybe I can help?
1:24 PM

"Mom! Can Nada's girlfri-I mean, Ukraine, help us decorate?" Aussie said, chuckling. "Of course, we can pick her up after shopping." France said. "Wha-how-oh. Stop watching my phone!" I   flick Aussie in the nose. "Wel-ow! Hey!" Aussie rubbed his nose and decided it would be a good idea to take my phone. "Got it! Kiwi, hold him down!" He yelled, texting Ukraine who knows what.

I struggle to move, jesus! She's strong for an 8 year old.

Me: yes ofc and we can make out and make babys in my room coo coo bear
1:27 PM

Stuck on an island with you. - RUSAME -Where stories live. Discover now