
652 21 43

Americas POV

Russia and I had finally finished the help sign. It should be big enough for someone in the sky to notice, I'm not sure how long it'll take the ocean patrol or whatever shit it was, to actually come. I hope it's soon though. I sat down in the sand, thinking about all the times me and Russia had, yeah sure we fought but honestly, he wasn't the worst. "Hey, uh, Russia?" I say, staring up at the rising sun.

"Yeah?" He glances at me. "You're not that bad, I mean-I guess you're pretty cool." I say, pretty much embarrassing myself, shit.. It was quiet for a moment. "You're pretty cool too, Америка." Huh.. That wasn't too bad I guess. I look at his face, shining from the sunrise. Damn! I need his skincare routine! "Staring problem?" Russia teased. "Wh-huh?! No!" I looked away.

"What's your skincare routine?" I ask him, he suddenly bursts out laughing. "D-dude! I thought you had a crush on me or something!" He laughed. "Seriously?! I was just wondering what your skincare routine was!" I yell causing Russia to laugh more.
"I gotta take a piss, I'll be back." I stand up, heading to the tiny forest.

I find a good bush, I unzip my jeans and whip my "disco stick" out and relieve myself in the bush. I zip my pants back up and head back to our little "camp" I look around in confusion, not noticing Russia anywhere. "Russia?! Where the fuck are you!" I yell. Suddenly I fall over, knocking my sunglasses right off my head.

My body was pinned down, so roughly it felt like my ribs were about to break, please god, fucking help me.. I move my head to the side and notice something huge and furry, I couldn't make out what it was with all the fur, but I know it smelled like actual shit.

I gasp out for help, I feel the creatures breath on me, shit, shit! It's gonna eat me! I try to squirm to get out of its grasp, no luck, fuck.. It probably ate Russia, dude! I'm gonna come out of it's asshole later! "Please!" I yell, and clearly the gods heard my prayer as the creature yelped and growled in pain, running off.

I sit up, gasping for air. "Russia?! Thank fuck your alive!" I say, relieved. I rush towards Russia and hug him. Wait, shit.. Did I just fucking hug him?! "A-ah.. Sorry, instinct.." I mumble, itching my neck nervously. "Америка, you're so lucky I had a pocket knife or you'd be bear food." Russia exclaimed.

"That was a bear?! Dude, that thing was huge!" I gasped. "Yeah, one of the largest ones I've seen, man, you would've been fucked." Russia tucked his pocket knife back into his pocket. "I found a pond over there, we can get cleaned off and drink if you're thirsty." Russia announced.

"Ew, I don' t wanna drink my own filth water!" I complain, but then realize. "Oh.. Might as well have to." I say. "Yeah, yeah, come on." Russia said, chuckling for a second. We head to the pond, wash up a bit and decide to head back. I notice our place absolutely destroyed. "Какого хрена чувак?!" (What the fuck dude?!)

I heard a loud growling behind us, me and Russia slowly turned around, shit.. It's like, five fucking bears.. "Shit.." One of the bears was just about to pounce. "RUN!!" Russia yells. Shit! I run as fast as my legs can take me, I nearly trip over a bunch of branches, rocks and other shit on the floor, but the fear and adrenaline keeps me going. Fuck, fuck! I need to lose them. I look behind me for a split second, the bear was a bit far but not far enough, it was getting faster second by second!

I trip and fall right next to a hole covered in moss and leaves. I quickly rip off the moss and crawl inside it, it was pretty small and cramped but not big enough to fit a bear. I shiver in fear, hearing rustling above me. I hear sniffing and growling, the sounds get more distant, relieving me. Fuck.. I hope Russia isn't dead..

The sound had completely gone, I crawl back up, wiping some leaves and debree off of my body. I look around, having no clue where I'm at. I follow the bear tracks as best as I can, at least the ones not being covered by leaves. I notice bear tracks heading a different direction, that must be where Russia is!

I follow the tracks, seeing two bears growling and clawing at a tree that the Russian had climbed, I chuckled for a minute but remembered that there were literal blood thirsty bears right infront of me.. I grab a rock, about the size of my hand. I throw it into a tiny lake, catching the bears attention.

I rush towards Russia as the bears are distracted. "Come on, we gotta get out of here!" I whisper-yell. Russia slids down the tree, I grab his wrist and rush somewhere, I don't know where, just somewhere. "Hey, what's that?" Russia questioned as he pointed towards a cave, covered up really well but what made it obvious was the writing; "HoME SwEET HOmE"

"Oh shit.. Do you think someone lives there?" I question, Russia approached the cave and dug through layers of leaves and moss. "If they did, they're probably dead by now.." Russia said, entering the cave. "It's the jackpot!" Russia yelled from inside the dark cave, lighting a lantern he found with a pack of matches that he also found. I enter the cave.

"Holy shit! Whoever lived here must've been prepared. Theres a whole mattress in here!" I pick up the blanket that was left on the cold mattress. I examined the mattress for any weird stains or blood, you never know.. "Huh, it looks pretty clean." I say.

"We can't go back, were gonna be bear lunch if we do, and we got this whole home now! Why don't we stay here?" Russia said. "Fuck yeah! I call the bed, you're sleeping on the floor!" I carelessly jump on the bed. "No way, dude!" Russia complained.

"Ugh.. Fine, we'll just have to share." I glance at the mattress, it wasn't exactly big but wasn't too small, it could just about fit two people. We had to share a blanket too, thankfully it was a pretty big one. I let out a sigh, this is gonna be a long night. I could tell Russia shared the same thought with the look on his face.

"Why don't we look for some food? I'm fucking starving, man." I groan. "Yeah, me too. I saw some bananas nearby, I'm pretty sure those are good." Russia says. Oh fuck yeah! You can't go wrong with bananas. That's something a gay dude would say, but hey! I like me my bananas, don't judge!


I finished eating my third banana, getting pretty full now and not wanting to waste. At least we aren't starving out here. We stored the rest of the bananas in a pile in the corner of the cave, it was finally time to sleep, hopefully this time I won't end up waking up to a murderous wolf or bear.

I hop into the bed, there was only one pillow so of course, we took turns using it. Russia gets it tonight and I get it tomorrow since he beat me in an arm wrestle, damn you Russia! I then realize that my sunglasses had been missing this whole time, from the bears and everything happening I just ended up forgetting, well shit.. Hopefully I can go back to find them later.

My back was almost touching Russias, I yawned, covering myself up with the blanket. "...Night, America." Russia suddenly mumbled, half asleep. Heh, kinda cute.. Wait, what the fuck? My god! It's gotta be the bananas this time, they're shaped like dick anyway! That's gotta be gay. "Night." I say, closing my eyes, getting ready for what's to come tomorrow.


(its 6 in the morning send help😭😭)

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