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"Explain." Is all that comes out of my sister's mouth when I find her below deck. Will had gone to find some sort of bandage for her hand. The pirates had cut it deep for some blood ritual to do with the pirate medallion.

"The day after the pirates invaded Port Royal, me and Will broke Jack out of jail so he could lead us to the Black Pearl. We knew they had taken you and Jack knew how to find it. So we set sail to this god forsaken cess pool of an island called Tortuga and found some...lovely people to sail with us. Jack lead us to the Isla de Muerta and now here we are." I find myself missing the stubborn, drunken pirate.

"While I'm very thankful that you're here, I don't want you to get comfortable with these pirates." Her words make me slightly pissed off.

"These pirates just saved your life, Elizabeth." I tell her. "Jack could be dead for all I know because of us."

"And why do you care so much?" Ok now I'm pissed. I stand up from the barrel I was sitting on and tower over her.

"Because he has done nothing but help me since I met him. He saved me from drowning, agreed to sail me and Will around the ocean to look for you, gave me these clothes so I would be comfortable, and made sure I was safe when we sailed through a typhoon trying to find, again,  you. He's a good person, pirate or not. He should be here with us, not stuck in some cave with a bunch asshats who want nothing but treasure." I take a deep breath after my rant. Elizabeth is silent for a minute before squinting her eyes at me.

"Evelyn...please tell me you do not have feelings for him."

"And if I did?" I bite back.

"Then I would say you've gone completely mad." Will chooses this moment to come back with the bandage, thank god.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asks politely.

"No." I answer quickly before storming back up to the upper deck.

Not twenty minutes later, I hear Mr. Gibbs start shouting orders. The crew starts running around the ship and look to be preparing for battle.

"Hands aloft to loose ta'gallants! With this wind, she'll carry every sail we've got!"

"What's going on?" I ask Anamaria as I run up to the helm.

"It's the Pearl." I lean over the railing to look behind us. Sure enough, there's a pirate ship with black sails catching up to us.

"What's happening?" I hear my sister yell.

"The Black Pearl. She's gaining on us!" Anamaria answers trying to hold the ship steady. I look back to the Pearl to find a thick fog trailing behind it. These men really are cursed.

"This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean." Elizabeth states making me roll my eyes. The fastest ship that she knows about.

"You can tell them that after they've caught us." Anamaria replies sarcastically.

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now