The Age of Divided Champions

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Gin-Tah, having studied over the books that made a topic of Alduin, came to discover that they were called The World-Eater, and took the side of the author of Alduin is Real. In that Akatosh and Alduin appear to have clearly different inclinations towards mortal kind. Once feeling he's gotten what answers could be given by the College of Winterhold, set out towards Solitude, after finding a courier and made letters out to Hjioca, Yusaji, and Delphine. Gin-Tah trekked down to Windhelm and took a cart to the capitol.

Well into the hours of midnight, he had arrived at Solitude and slept until the late morning before heading up to Castle Dour to inform General Tullius and Rikke. Upon approaching Tullius, the imperial told him what their scouts had reported; Stormcloaks had violated the mutual truce by seeking to find the Jagged Crown, a symbol to solidify Ulfric's cause to being High King. This, and an amassing Stormcloak force being spotted in Whiterun's countryside.

Gin-Tah felt a roaring storm stir within him, he knew Nords were exceedingly stubborn, but Ulfric and his lot were stubborn beyond reason.

"Ulfric has also sent a letter." Rikke chimmed. "He wants there to be a trial by combat, where each side gets to pick their representative. If the champion of the Stormcloaks win, they want the legion out of Skyrim."

"And if our represantative is victorious?" Tullius asked.

"They... gave no terms on that front, sir" Rikke sighed.

"The Stormcloaks seem awefully confident in their champion... who to pick for our own." Tullius mused, deep in thoughtful consideration.

Gin-Tah would then approach, "I volunteer myself, general." He said plainly.

This took Tullius and Rikke by mild surprise, "I admire your willingness to volunteer yourself. But I can't risk it." Tullius commented.

"I insist." Gin-Tah began; "I am your surest bet. The best candidate. Not only from the point of being the Dragonborn, having The Voice. But also in formal training and tutilage, I was top of my class from the imperial legion academy."

Tullius and Rikke look between themselves then back to Gin-Tah, "We will consider this-" Tullius was interrtupted by Rikke.

"With respect, general, Gin-Tah makes a convincing case. To add on to reasons, Argonian's healing is highly advantagous. If in the case the stormcloak champion manages to pierce through The Armor." Rikke stated.

General Tullius furled his arms, considering all the additional information in mind. "... Alright, I'll grant your request, Gin-Tah. I hereby charge you as the Imperial Champion. Follow Legate Rikke, she will bring you to The Armor."

Gin-Tah bowed his head and put his hand across his chest, "Thank you, general."

He went and followed Rikke deeper into the Castle Dour, and was brought to a set of Imperial branded armor as black as an unlit night with gilded trims of dwarven steel.

"Here it is." Rikke presented.

Gin-Tah approached the armor and inspected it closely. While well crafted, he discerns that the breastplate, gauntlets, and boots were all from cast mold. He pointed out as such, then requesting the raw materials and to borrow the forge just outside Castle Dour. He was given access to what he requested, and began work on his own rendition of the champion armor.

Whilst Gin-Tah measured his dimensions for the armor, a legionnaire approached him;

"Xersilus, some nord woman says she wants to see you" Said the man.

"Did... she give her name?" Gin-Tah inquired.

"No, but she wore the garb of a stormcloak general... and smelled of wet dog." The man replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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