The Age of The Dragonborn

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Once Yusaji finished the home cooked meal Gin-Tah gave her, she and the others departed Riverwood and set out towards Ustengrav. Throughout this trek, they met an occasional bandit, who Gin-Tah told off with Yol. Some aggresive wolf packs that they all quickly dispatched, and even a bear, which they all chose to avoid and sneak away.

The day grew dim and needed shelter, problem was they had passed Whiterun several miles back, and Yusaji and Gin-Tah saw a fainy illumination in the near distance. They soon came upon a fortified encampment, that when they peeked inside, appeared empty and without occupants.

As a precaution, they all explored the camp, which is just north-west of Whiterun. When they were satisfied, Gin-Tah and Hjioca layed out their bed rolls, even having a spare rolled out for Yusaji. Gin-Tah gathered some near by chopped wood before setting it ablaze with his flame breath. There, next to the fire, they all drifted off to sleep.

Some hours later into the night, the front doors to the camp opened, a group of bandits walked in its wake. Yusaji perked up and looked, and saw eight bandits walking in on them. This was a bandit camp!

The bandits all took notice and readied their weapons, and attempt to sneak up on the trio. Yusaji alerted Gin-Tah and Hjioca, although dazed, leaped to their feet and readied themselves. The former readied with a steel sword and sheild, and the latter with two war axes. Yusaji rolled backwards onto her toes before quickly knocking an arrow in a Atmoran bow she got off a draugr.

A skirmish began when Yusaji let loose an arrow that struck a bandit square in the throat, and the others charged as one stood back to return arrow fire. The clash was fierce and full of chaos. Gin-Tah and Hjioca manage to slay 4 bandits before one bandit who seemed to be the muscle of the group dazed the argonian by stricking his sheikd hard enough to make the sheild hit him in the face.

The brute went to finish off Gin-Tah before Hjioca swung into view and catch the downward swing for the bandit's warhammer. But he freed a hand to swiftly strike her down with a blugeoning punch, and the brute hopped on top of Hjioca and wrapped his hands around her throat.

Yusaji got hit in the leg with an arrow, with a yelp, she leapt for cover behind a wooden table. Gin-Tah was then deemed an easy target, and the bandit archer loosed arrows at him. He scrambled behind his sheild. The bandit ditched his bow and ran up to Gin-Tah with a dagger in hand. They pulled the sheild out of his hand and was kicked onto his back, followed cloesely by the bandit jumping after him, trying to sink the dagger into his neck... inching closer.

Yusaji looked out from cover and went to knock an arrow, but brushes her wound and winced in immense pain.

The brute who was in the process of strangling Hjioca to death cocked a hand back before smashing a balled fist into her face... then a dark, misty bog surrounded her person. This caused the brutish bandit to stagger onto his feet and pace back a single step. The black fog was cast aside like a curtain, which unveiled a white furred werewolf.

This revelation sent the brutish bandit to try and turn and run, barely getting half a stride before Hjioca pounced on top of the bandit, who cried in terror.

The bandit attempting to run Gin-Tah through with his dagger was too focused on him to register his compatriot's cries for help and mercy. The bandit threw an elbow into Gin-Tah's head before trying to bury the dagger into him again. The would-be victim would catch the bandit's hand as he was now encompassed in the dark, boggy fog.

Then a humungous hand with partly webbed fingers palmed the bandit's whole head and found himself lifted by it. Just over the webbing, the bandit saw a werecroc before him, and he shrieked a muffled shriek of terror, trying desperately to wriggle free.

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