The Age of Unification

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"-First the dragons returning, and now The Greybeards have recognized The Dragonborn. My lord, I would think it wise put aside our cause for the time being and raise our blades for The Dragonborn" Hjioca asserted.

"That may be, Hjioca." Ulfric began; "But our blades must remain risen against the tyranny of The Empire. The future of the sons and daughters of Skyrim relies upon kicking those Imperials out of our home-"

"What of the tyranny of the dragons? Do you not recall the tales of their oppression?" Hjioca interjected;
"I ask you, what future will Skyrim's children have if the dragons arise victorious, and The World Eater devours all living and the dead as we're resigned to that tyranny again. Would you be so foolish as to let that happen?"

"Watch your tongue, girl!" Galmar rumbled, "I ought to have your head after you've spoken ill of the true high king"

Hjioca redied her steel war axes, "Wish to see why I'm from clan Stormblade, you brute?" She snarled.

"Enough!" Ulfric bellowed.
"Galmar. Hjioca. Stay your weapons. I will not have my trusted generals spill each others blood." He insisted.
"Hjioca, as bitter as that remark was, I still cannot overlook your passion. It is in the right place, as it's with concern for all our home. I will hear what you have in mind."

Hjioca bows her head. "My lord, as I said before, with the dragons returning I think it would be appropriate to halt our warring with the Imperials and turn our sights to the dragons. A mutual truce."

"Bah! I heard Helgen was bad, but did it affect you that much to suggest something so suicidal? I bet you two flagons of mead that milk drinker is setting up another ambush." Galmar sneered.

"Galmar..." Ulfric glared. "Speaking of Helgen, how did you escape alive?"

"An imperial soldier grabbed me and dragged me into a tower until the dragon left. He was the one who suggested this action. If he's true to his word, he should be suggesting the same thing I am now." Hjioca explained.

"What did this Imperial look like?" Inquired Ulfric.

"Not an Imperial. An Argonian" Hjioca said.

"The one with the emerald brow and head of saphire?" Ulfric said, somewhat stirred.

"Yes. That Argonian." She confirmed.

Ulfric mused in cosideration, sitting back down in his thrown. Galmar and Hjioca awaited Ulfric's next move. He looked to his steward;

"Jorleif. Fetch me a pen and parchment. I have a message for General Tullius." Ulfric announced.

Just then, the doors to the Palace of The Kings open and in came a courier. He approaches and offered out his hand, which possessed a sealed letter.
Ulfric takes it and reads it.

"Seems our boot held up his promise. Tullius has sent us a letter about our little mutual truce." Ulfric nodded.

Hjioca turns to Galmar with a smirk; "You owe me two flagons of mead, stone-head."

The courier was sent on their way to deliver a response from Ulfric to Tullius.

Meanwhile, Gin-Tah just arrived in Ivarstead. There, he was greeted it joyous embrace by Hafria and Tovalka, and an equally joyous welcome from Vonyr and Dernjolf.
He told them what transpired in Helgen, the dragon in Whiterun he helped slay and absorb, and the potential for a truce between the imperial legion and stormcloaks.

When they caught the part where Gin-Tah absorbed a dragon's power, they were in disbelief, and caught on to why The Greybeards beckoned. They invited Gin-Tah in to eat ans rest up for the long trek ahead.

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