He knows (Texcali)

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The door creaked open. Texas and California attempted to not look like they were enjoying each other's company. Texas dropped Cali and stepped back, but it was a little too late, the door was already open. Louisiana clearly saw Tex dipping Cali, then acted like he didn't.

"If you tell anyone what you saw, I'll shoot you" Tex quickly said, turning red with embarrassment. Louis just looked around the room before asking "Where's Florida?" completely ignoring the threat.

"Why would I know?" Cali answered as he got up. His shoulder hurt just a little from the fall.

"He said he'd be here" He continued nonchalantly. Tex seemed pretty angry at being ignored, but he stepped to the side. Louis walked over to the kitchen. "Oh well" he shrugged as he began to walk back out. "I won't tell anyone." He said to Tex.

"Wait, is that mine?" Cali pointed at the alcohol bottle that was now in Louisiana hand. "Not anymore" he left with it, closing the door as he did. "That, was expensive" Cali sounded defeated as he said it to the closed door.

"I'm sorry" Cali turned to his partner. His voice went sad. "I let someone find out."

He looked to Cali who seemed uncomfortable and like he felt a little guilty. As if it was his fault, which it was obvious to Tex that that wasn't true. He tried to say something that would make Cali feel a little bit better. "I guess it was gonna happen at some point." It made him pretty uncomfortable that someone knew. He didn't really want people to know he was gay, let alone that he was with California, of all people. Knowing that a lot of the others hated him, he even hated him a while ago.

"You don't seem ok with it." Cali held Texas' hand in his. He looked into the other state's eyes. California's eyes looked teary with a glaze of water.

"I mean you know the way some of my friends can be. And honestly the way I sometimes am." he pulled away a little. He felt awful for the way he used to treat him.

"Yeah," he look at their feet and fidgeted with his flannel. "Maybe there's a way we can still make it seem like something else. I mean I'm pretty sure he only saw you drop me. You could turn that into something else. Like umm... " He rambled on. He sounded nervous like he was panicking about this.

"No." Tex cut the nervous ramble off and took one of Cali's hands in both of his. California seemed to almost completely calm down as he look at their hands, blushing a little with a small smile. "They're probably going to end up finding out at some point, if we're together." He didn't like that idea, but it was going to happen eventually. He couldn't hide this forever, especially if they were going to date.

California thought for a second. Then his small smile faded and he gently took his hand out from between Texas'. "So the only way for no one to find out at this point, is for us not to be together?" He asked. He already had an answer though, obviously, it would be better for Tex if they weren't together. This would never work and he knew that from the start. He got his hope up, but of course it wouldn't last.

"Yeah, it is" Texas said, his voice sounding cold. No matter how he thought of it, if they were together everyone would find out eventually. He really didn't want anyone to find out, but it was bound to happen. After all Louisiana most likely already knows. Though he probably won't tell anyone, there are worse states that could have found out.

Cali sighed and tried to hold his tears back. It didn't work and a few escaped down his cheeks. "It's for the best." He tried to convince himself of that as he said it. He back up and turned away, going to retreat to his room as Tex would probably leave. It's not like there was anything for him to do in his house if they wouldn't be together anymore.

He grabbed the other state's flannel as he was walking away. Cali turned back towards him. "I'll think of another way." Texas pulled California closer to him. "We'll just be careful" Tex assurted like it was a fact. He did really like him, even if he wanted to keep that a secret. Cali's small smile returned as he brought his face closer to Tex's. He did like him, Cali was just about sure of the now. Cali wiped his tears with his other sleeves. Texas leaned his head closer.

Their lips met each other's. This time there was only the feeling of the love between them. Now that they had both been completely open with each other. There wasn't anything lingering in the background. Even the worry of how to keep this secret faded away into their happiness. It was just them now and they were together.

Cali pulled back after a little bit. Looking into Texas' bright hazel eyes. "I love you" His voice slightly broke, but it clear from his smile how happy he was. Tex could feel his heart flutter as they held each other's gaze. Texas looked into his dark blue eyes with a dreamy smile before pulling him in again. This was a great way to end Valentine's even if it was rocky to get there.

They'd try to keep this a secret for as long as they could. For now they would only meet up in each other's houses, with the doors locked. Dancing together at least every holiday, sometimes more. Though they still acted like they hated each other at the meetings, they both knew they loved each other.

(Word count: 984)

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