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"Don't worry?" Penelope asked, repeating back Elijah's words from several days earlier.

Minerva was finally relaying to Penelope the story of Elijah's odd comment after it was revealed that she wasn't a social pariah. "Yes, it almost seemed like he was going to change, but instead, he just continued to visit me at night and provoke me as always."

During his nightly visits, Elijah would be his usual bossy self. He aroused parts of Minerva that were deviant and new. But after his sexual conquest, he spoke of his life and asked her about hers. He was almost sweet.

In the mornings, he was always there and would typically insert himself into her from behind as he spooned her. The constant, no matter when they fucked was his need to cum inside her pussy. Sometimes he would even comment on the act during or after.

"Hm, perhaps he is going to ask for your hand..."

"I highly doubt that. If anything, I bet it has something to do with my suitors. Perhaps he didn't think any could seriously want to wed..."

"One look at you, and it is obvious that isn't the case!"

"Eli felt different..."

"Eli, huh?"

"Hush! Oh no, Pen, it's Benjamin with Alex. Wait, is that..."

"Well, I was going to tell you that they were going to White's, and the modiste is..."

"On the way, you twit!"

"Sorry," Penelope whispered. "But I'm getting big with this baby, and I couldn't..."

"Ladies!" The duke called to the women as they approached. For a man that used to be so bored and glum, he surely let marriage change his demeanor.

"Gentlemen," both ladies said as they stopped on the sidewalk.

"We were just saying how today may be a good day for an ice at Gunter's. How about it?"

Penelope jumped at the idea. Or at least the heir she carried did.

"I really should be heading..." Minerva started.

"Nonsense," the General started. "We can't allow Howard here, the only female companion. I'm sure Dandridge would agree."

"Hm, yes, the most attractive lady in London on our arms would be quite a feat. Wouldn't it, General?"

"For you perhaps..." the general tried to joke, but both Minerva was still standing with wide eyes, and Elijah just smirked at the attempted humor.

"Hm, yes, a lady such as Miss Kendrick would never consider me as a suitor. Although I have tried..."

They were still standing in a circle, no one attempting to walk to Gunter's. "Perhaps the lady has another gentleman in mind," Benjamin offered.

Elijah just smiled. "Oddly enough, she said no one interested her..."

"Enough!" Penelope screeched at the men. "I'm hungry, and as much as I love a good dick-measuring contest, I would prefer to walk!"

Minerva giggled at her hormonal friend and began to stroll behind her and Alex as the other two men offered their arms.

"I'd win," Benjamin grumbled.

"I have nine inches that say otherwise, but if a wager is..." Elijah mumbled, to Minerva's surprise.

"Doubtful," the General replied.

"Shall I show..."

"Gentlemen! Please! No one wants to see..." Minerva started.

And both men scoffed like she was mistaken.

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