Chapter 11- LEAVE ME ALONE!

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"No I don't want to leave now" Farha said.
"Why? You should be at home, your family will be worried, as you can see I'm feeling better now"Lisa said to Farha.
"Are you sure?" Farha had to ask because she didn't want to be left in the dark anymore."yes I am fine now, please go back home, you are not completely safe here" Lisa said. "Okay, but please take care of yourself okay?" Farha said to Lisa. "I will, I promise. Austin please take Farha home" Lisa said as Austin came forward but not too close because of the protection surrounding the bed. "Okay, Farha let's go" Austin said to Farha and she obeyed. She stood up from the bed and stood beside Austin "bye" Farha said a good bye to Lisa before Austin disappeared with her and left Lisa staring at where they stood with a smile.
Lisa wasn't supposed to leave her room so she laid there on the bed. A minute later someone came through the door, she turned to see it was a maid.
"My princess! your eyes are open, you can see and you look okay" the maid said in surprise.
"What brings you here?" Lisa said as she sat up on the bed.
"The goddess asked me to check up on you" the maid said while lowering her gaze. " I need to see her is she less busy?" Lisa asked. The maid doesn't know why she asked her that question, how is she supposed to know if she's busy or not, she just gave her an order that's it. "I don't know my princess"the maid answered. "You may leave" Lisa dismissed the maid. The maid bowed and left the room and closed the door behind her. Lisa stood up from her bed and stood walked to the large window in the room and stares outside as she leans on the gold window frame. "I wonder if Farha is going to be okay after that dream, for her to have such dream, there must be something more than I know, but what could that be?" Lisa says to herself. She kept staring, then suddenly she heard a knock on her door, "come in" she says without looking at the door.
" My princess" the maid bowed immediately she came in. " The goddess wants to see you" the maid added. "Okay, I'll come" Lisa said without looking at the maid. "You may leave"
"I was instructed to come with you" the maid said. then Lisa turned to look at the maid and she immediately lowered her gaze. "Okay, let's go"Lisa said and they left for the throne room and the maid walked behind Lisa.

In the throne room.
The Goddess was sitting on the gold throne with a gold crown, she looks like gold herself. The room was bright and glowing. It had paintings that tell stories hanged up on the wall. The goddess ordered to see Lisa after a maid told her that she looked very healthy and no sign of injury or sickness, a moment later she came in with a maid behind her. " Your majesty" Lisa said as she bowed before the Goddess of Agath. "You may take your leave" the Goddess dismissed the maid.
"So it is true, how did this happen?" The Goddess asked when she confirmed that Lisa is actually healed.
"Actually, on my way back, I was attacked by some evil force and they infected a poison in me, I didn't know that I was infected with poison until I couldn't stop bleeding. I don't know what type of poison it is and I don't know how Farha healed me but all I know is that her tears had something to do with the healing, I'm not sure how, but I told her that it was because she's pure". Lisa explained. "So You mean all this has to do with Farha?" The Goddess asked. "Yes your highness, and what surprised me more was when she got passed the protection you put around my bed" Lisa answered. The Goddess didn't say anything for a moment. "You may leave" she dismissed Lisa. Though the Goddess didn't say anything but she looked like she realized something.
Lisa bowed and left the room without saying anything more, but she felt like the goddess knows about something related to Farha but she doesn't want to say it.

Farha's house.
Austin and Farha appeared in Farha's home in the garden where she was seated before they left for Agath.
"Thanks" Farha said to Austin.
"Nevermind" he said to her.
Farha smiled and left the garden and left Austin staring at her back. Farha went inside and found no one in the living room. She went into the room and found her sister Fatima watching a movie on her laptop, she didn't even notice her presence. "Did they even notice I was gone for an hour?" She said to herself.
"Fatima" Farha called her sister's attention. "Oh, Farha where have you been?" Fatima asked.
"I was in the garden" Farha said.
"You are lying I didn't see you there, I was sitting in the garden before I came back inside" Fatima said. "Oh, I.... I just went out to buy a snack that's all" Farha lied. " Really? No shop is open in this neighborhood because of the lock down". Fatima said. "Yeah, I found out so I came back" Farha said. "You are lying" Fatima said. Oh no Farha had to cook up another lie. "When I came back I went to the study, you know I love reading books" Farha lied. " Really? I checked the study and I didn't see you there" Fatima said looking at Farha with suspicion. " That must be when I left the house".Farha lied again. "Okay you might have escaped from getting into trouble this time but next time I'll catch you red handed and I'll tell Mom and Dad that you left the house in their absence". Fatima said and continued to watch the movie. "You are such a snitch" Farha said under her breath. "What did you say?" Fatima asked. "Nothing" Farha said. " Where is Muhammad?" Farha asked about their brother." He is taking a nap"
"Oh okay". Farha said. "Did you cook?" Farha asked again. " You are such a foodie. Yes I cooked". Fatima answered.
"Okay" Farha said and left the room for the kitchen.

Farha went into the kitchen and found spaghetti and meatballs and she quickly fetched some and left for the dining table. She sat and immediately started to munch on her food.
" You didn't tell me you were this hungry I would have given you something to eat" Farha knew who that voice belongs to so she turned to see Austin smirking at her. " Oh my God, please leave me alone, can't have a second of an alone time? And Why are you still here?" Farha said after she swallowed the food in her mouth. "I can't leave you after what happened earlier". Austin said. Farha didn't say anything. She only turned to continue eating her food she totally ignored him. After eating she took the plate to the kitchen and washed it and kept it clean. She left the kitchen and Austin wasn't in the dining room anymore. "Thank goodness he left" Farha thought. " Who told you I left?" She heard Austin's voice behind her and she turned to see Austin behind her and he was too close so she immediately took two steps back. She's not going to let him have his way this time.

"Have someone ever told you that you are very annoying?"Farha asked with her hands on her waist.
"No" Austin answered. "Well no offense but you are very annoying, I don't like the way you invade my space and always following me around" Farha said in annoyance.
"Well that was rude" Austin said. "Whatever, just leave me alone". She says. "I won't" Austin said. Farha felt like screaming at him but she didn't say anything she only turned to leave when he held her hand, and that was enough for her to explode. "Austin or whatever your name is, please leave me alone, i don't need you now, you are so annoying and frustrating, what the hell is wrong with you! Just let me be, is that too hard for you to do? I don't even know who sent you here and why but for the last time LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed the last three words with emphasis at him. Farha poured out her frustration on Austin. The smile that is always plastered on his face turned into a frown and without saying anything, he left.
"Finally, I'll have some peace" Farha said to herself.

But will Austin ever come back?
Did Farha's words really affect him?

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