Chapter 4 | Off limits

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After the confrontation, they all told me that it was better if I express what I feel for Minji. If I feel like complimenting her then I should. If I want to hold her hands then I should but only after I asked if I could. If I'm having trouble expressing what I feel then I should ask them again, then find the right time to confess. I personally think that their pieces of advice were for the better that's why I'm motivated to follow them.

I've decided that I like Minji, and I should let her know. If she rejects me, it doesn't matter to me. Everything is part of it, and if she rejects me, I will respect it. My feelings for someone were particularly intense for the first time at this moment. I can't ignore it; I have to let her know I care about her.

I've been told since I was young by my grandmother that if I like someone then I better act like it. At first, I never really understood what she meant, but now, I wouldn't say the same thing.

It's almost time for our break and yet Minji and Danielle are still nowhere to be seen. Being a school official must really be tiring. I wonder how Minji and Danielle do it, always having to keep up with her subjects and duties.

Speaking, I wonder where they are.

Just as I was about to ask Hanni if she knows where the two are. Minji's familiar figure suddenly appeared which unconsciously etched a smile on my face. I waved my hands to them and Dani waved back but Minji only nodded. 'Too bad I wanted her to wave back' I shrugged off her weird behavior and sat properly because not long after they arrived, our chemistry teacher also did.

'I'll just approach her later.'

Soon after the lecture ended, just as I was ready to walk toward her desk, she swiftly stood up and grabbed Dani's hand, and walked out of the room. It's not new for me to see her going out of the classroom with Dani in a hurry, considering their school positions so I assumed it was probably a call of duty for them again.

Realizing that Minji and Dani seem like they wouldn't be able to eat with us for the break, I decided to approach a stretching Hanni, who was already with Haerin and Hyein.

After a while of walking, we reached the cafeteria and we bought our own individual food. Usually, I would just buy milk or a random snack, but today I decided to buy something for Minji. 'She might be tired from her school president duties. I wonder if she even has time to eat.'

I bought her a triangle kimbap and banana milk. Her favorite is anything that her mom cooked but obviously, I have none of those right now. 'Maybe I should ask her to get ice cream with me later.'

Approaching the other 3, I informed them that I will go first to find Minji. Of course, they didn't let that chance go away to tease me.

It took me a long while before I saw Danielle but sadly, she wasn't with Minji so I wasted no time and asked her where she is. Danielle didn't answer exactly where Minji is, she just said that maybe, maybe she was still in the principal's office discussing school plans for the upcoming festival.

I didn't really want to disrupt her conversation with the principal so I just decided to message her.

169 cm BEAR: 김민지

김민지🐻: Bro, birds are scary.

You: I disagree.

9:30 am

You: Minji where are you?


While waiting for her reply I decided to head to the rooftop. It's been quite a long time since the last time I went there, considering that it has been off-limits to students since they started doing a small renovation. I put on my headphones again and played my Spotify playlist in random order.

'Cause I'll be in love maze

'Cause I'll be in love maze

선택의 미로 속에 갇혀 (갇혀)

막다른 혼돈 속에 지쳐 (지쳐)우린 정답을 찾아 헤맸었지만
Lost in the maze, in the darkness

The pretty tall trees encircling the whole campus can be seen. Strands of my own hair flew to the side at the picking up of the cooler breeze. This song reminds me of no one else but Minji. Is this really what they all call attraction?

The tall trees encircling the campus swayed in the wind, goosebumps rising on my bare arms, I had forgotten to bring my own uniform jacket. Our break time is coming to an end, yet the school president hasn't replied to my message yet.

I tapped my heels, feeling the wind against my skin despite it being too cold. 'I should've brought my scarf with me today.' The short-haired girl thought. I forgot that Christmas is just right around the corner and we have volleyball training today. I better inform the group that I won't be able to go home with them today.

Taking a look at my wrist watch, noticing the time, the break time is dangerously coming to a close. 'She's that busy?'

I admire Kim Minji. Maybe that's why I started liking her then. I'm still unsure as to where and how exactly this became a thing. I am new to all of this thing; I don't know how to manage these feelings. However, I remember what the 3 girls told me earlier. 'Just be yourself and be courteous to her.' My grandma told me to like whomever I want regardless of who they are.

Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지 마
Lie ay ay 미로 속에서
My ay ay 절대 날 놓치면 안돼
In love maze
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지 마
My ay ay 더 가까이 와
My ay ay 절대 엇갈리면 안돼
In love maze

I closed my eyes, allowed the cold wind to dance and just touch my body while quietly humming the current song playing in my headphones. Times like these are a must, a breath of fresh air. With the discoveries I realized earlier, I'm not the best person when it comes to emotions. I have never been showered with so much affection from a special someone except by my grandma.

After the short breather, I turned around and opened my eyes only to be greeted by none other than the school president herself.

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