Harry and Niall sick

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Requested from @DisneyQueen0625

Niall's POV

Waking up is supposed to be a nice, pleasant thing. The sun is peaking through the curtains, you feel refreshed and ready to start the day. However for me on this particular night it was quite the opposite for me. It was sometime after 4 in the morning, and the only thing I really knew was that I feel AWFUL. I was sweating up a storm so I kicked off the blankets. It did give me some relief until I started shivering uncontrollably. I huffed in annoyance and tried just putting half my body under the covers.

Again, it worked for some time, but eventually my stomach started to feel nauseous. I rolled over in my bunk facing the wall and curled myself into a ball. However that soon proved to be pointless when I found myself running to the toilet. I tried being as quiet as possible since the boys were asleep in their bunks just next to me. That was the worst part. We're stuck on the tour bus for the next few days meaning this was going to be fun with one of us throwing up.

We've all had our fair share of sickness on the tour bus. Louis got food poisoning one time, Liam contracted a severe case of the stomach flu once, and Harry seems to always have something. So between those instances I can confirm that it is in no way even slightly pleasant to deal with this type of sickness while on a confined space on the road.

My train of thought was broken when I was cut off by a sudden gag. I winced, waiting for the inevitable to happen. I really hate throwing up. I haven't gotten sick like this is years and I never missed it. I gagged once more and after a disgusting burp, I started spewing in the toilet. I tried being as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake the boys, especially to something like this.

I got sick once more, barley having a moment to catch my breath. The whole experience was just miserable and I wanted nothing more than for this to just end so I could go back to bed.

"Niall?" A quiet voice called out.

When I got the chance, I looked up to see Harry there with a look of concern stretched across his face.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." I apologized.

"I was already awake." Harry confessed, going to sit beside me.

I didn't miss the oddly pale tint to Harry's face, and he seemed as if he was hiding something. Before I could question him about it I started to get sick once more. Harry rubbed my back in a comforting manor and when I finished with that round he grabbed a damp flannel and draped it across the back of my neck.

"You're burning up Ni, where's the thermometer?" Harry asked, looking around the cabinets in our tiny bathroom.

He finally found one and instructed me to place it under my arm. I didn't even have the strength or energy to argue so I just complied and did as told.

"That's definitely a fever. Does anything else feel bad apart from your stomach?" Harry asked.

"My head kind of hurts and I feel a little dizzy." I admitted.

"Sounds like the stomach flu Nialler. Let me see what medicine we have." Harry says, looking through the cabinets.

He pulled out a bottle of some paracetamol and left briefly so he could get some water for me to take with it. I didn't miss the uneasy look on his face as he rushed around everywhere trying to find things that could be of help.

"I think this is all we have on the bus right now. I can ask the driver tomorrow if we can stop by the pharmacy." Harry says, handing me my medicine and glass of water.

"Thanks H." I said.

"Anytime Ni." Harry says.

I quickly downed the pill and sat there for a moment, to try and gather my energy before making an attempt to get up from the floor.

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