Mario "The Best Sea Diver"

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Cock-a-doodle-do... cock-a-doodle-do.....

Simah was awakened by the loud crowing of the rooster.

She looked at her watch and it's past 7:00 in the morning.

She still have time to lay on the bed for a few minutes.

After all, her body is still aching because of the incident yesterday night.

She giggled after recalling what happened to her.

Her mind and body still remembers the tight embrace of Alexis as the poor young lad tried to save her from falling on the bridge but they both fell instead.

"Hey Simah, what are you feeling? You shouldn't feel that way to your friend, c'mon get a hold of yourself," she says to herself silently while slapping her cheeks lightly.

"Oh no, I almost forgot, I have a dive today, Mr. Hernando is waiting for me, I should hurry up,"

Simah then immediately stood up, fix the bed, get a shirt and a pair of pants in the cabinet and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change her clothes.

"Good morning, Simah," greeted her Auntie Leticia.

"Come, sit down and eat first before you go to your work,"

"Oh no, sorry Auntie, as much as I want to eat that fried 'saba' (plantain) and 'pancit bihon' (sauteed rice noodles). I am in a hurry, I have a scheduled dive today with my supervisor," Simah apologetically said.

"If that is the case, give me a minute, I'll pack this up so you can eat it later on,"

Aunt Leticia went into the cupboard, get glass food containers and prepared a packed meal for Simah in an instant.

"Here you go, don't forget to eat that as I'm sure, you'll get hungry after your dive,"

"Wow, thank you Auntie, you really love me dearly," Simah kissed her auntie's left cheek.

"Oh, my sweet Simah, you take care and enjoy the rest of your day,"

"Bye Auntie, just tell Uncle Rudy that I already left for work," said Simah.

Simah arrived at Ama after a 15 minute walk.

She went straight to her locker to get her diving suit and boots and into the female shower room to change.

She runs at the back of the building where the diving spot is located.

There, she saw Mr. Hernando standing up and waiting patiently for her.

"Good morning Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting," said Simah.

"It's okay Simah, no need to apologize as I just arrived 5 minutes earlier from you, my wife insisted that I eat my breakfast first before I go, I've told her that I have a dive today and I should avoid heavy meals but she is very persistent so what can I do," Mr. Hernando narrated.

"So, are you ready for your first dive here in Ama?"

"I'm quite nervous, but yes sir, I think I'm ready."

"I've already checked the condition of the water before you arrived, the current, surge and waves seem favorable for a dive today and for the surf zone, we already marked our entry and exit point," Mr. Hernando said while pointing at the SMB or Surface Marker Buoy so that Simah will be familiar with it.

"Now, let's log in and set-up our equipments," Mr. Hernando added while giving the log book to the secretary who is stationed at the starting point of their actual diving spot.

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