Chapter Twelve: A Villain Once More

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TW: Nothing

The tongues of fury lashed at Gold as grief wrapped around him and dragged him beneath the sea of emotions. Karan was dead. No- not just dead. Karan had been murdered. And Gold was going to find out who.

He paced the floor of the living room, glaring down at the floor as if the wood was the culprit.

"Gold, maybe you should take a break. Get some sleep," Alxton murmured. "You haven't slept in a long time."

"I don't need sleep," He argued.

"Biology kinda disagrees with you."

"Zud and Kate are supposed to be back with the sorcerers and Sigils any minute, anyway."

Alxton rolled his eyes and flicked an ear. Outside, a storm raged on. Thunder shook the earth as lightning lashed at the skies. Rain poured out from black clouds, the wind howling and swearing its vengeance.

"They really went at the best time," Alxton muttered.

Gold shook his head and paused his pacing. "I don't understand what happened. It was just sunny."

The hybrid shrugged. "This place is weird."

Kate burst through the door, practically tearing it off its hinges. "We're back!" She shouted over the wind. Zud, Frost, and Florian followed her in. Each person was drenched.

Gold tossed them towels to dry off. "Where's Sigils?"

"All we could find was this." Zud held up Biffle's monocle with the string tied through it. "There was a sword spearing a tree and another sword on the ground, and this, but nothing else. No bodies. Blood would've been washed away."

"You think someone dumped his body somewhere else?" Alxton's eyes darkened.

"Why leave this behind, though?" Zud asked.

"It might've fallen off in the fight," Kate suggested, "Or they wanted us to find it."

"Or he survived and is somewhere in the forest."

Alxton shook his head. "Not without that monocle."

Frost tipped his head. "Can I see it?"

Zud shot him a suspicious glance. "Why?"

Frost returned the glance with a dry look. "To detect the use of magic." When he received the makeshift necklace, he rubbed his finger over the golden metal. A flicker of light danced around the object before fading like a dying fire.

"Dark magic was near him," Frost muttered, "Loaf was responsible."

"Loaf has magic," Gold said slowly.


"And you didn't tell us."

Frost and Florian exchanged a glance. "We didn't think it was important," Florian explained.

"'Didn't think it was important'? Either you're lying or you're the biggest fool I've ever met," Gold snapped.

Florian stiffened and narrowed his eyes. "Remember who you're speaking to."

"Oh, I know exactly who I'm speaking to. I'm speaking with people who are hiding secrets, and lo and behold, people are dying because of it."

"People are dying because you time travelers brought all of your drama from your world to ours," Frost retorted.

"Henwy's dead though," Alxton pointed out.

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