Chapter Seven: The Plan

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TW: None

    Henwy glanced over at the boiling water. Steam rose from the pot, immediately adding a considerable amount of humidity to the room. Taking a piece of wood, he nudged it between the flaming firewood located under the pot, watching for a moment as the bark crackled and hissed.

     A knock at the door shattered his focus. It must be one of the sorcerers. No one else ever paid him a visit, and he supposed they had a fair reason. After all, he was the one who unleashed a dragon on camp.

     The settlers were all too pleased to hear about that. First they welcome strangers into their home after they crash landed nearby, then they find out one of the strangers tried to kill the rest of his friends.

     Frankly, he was surprised they didn't kick him out or hunt him down. He suspected that was mainly due to Frost. The sorcerer came by every few days or so, and over the past few weeks they had grown close.

     When he opened the door, however, it was Gold standing before him with Karan by his side.

     "Henwy, can we talk?" Gold asked.

     Henwy narrowed his eyes. There was nothing good that could come from this. Gold and Karan, his old allies, had betrayed him in their last moments in the old land. Yet he could see no weapons indicating an assassinaton attempt, so he simply nodded and gestured for them to come inside.

     Both of them glanced around the room, drinking in the interior of his home. Wooden furniture made from stripped spruce wood sat around a fireplace. Large windows allowed light to flood the room while lanterns hung from the ceiling to take over when night came. Various fauna was scattered throughout the room, nestled in pots. Henwy's cottage was far from the base of a psychotic, dragon-controlling lunatic.

     "What do you want?" Henwy asked.

     "Well...." Karan stared at the ground for a moment. "We wanted to see if you'd come to a meeting."

     "A meeting about what?"

     "We'll tell you once you're there."

     "Why can't you tell me now? You're already here."

     "Because this news affects everyone and requires everyone's presence. We're gathering in the town square. You were the last one we consulted, so you can just come with us."

     Henwy raised an eyebrow. "You're assuming I've accepted."

     "Oh, like you'd want to be left out of a dire meeting," Gold said, heading towards the door.

     Henwy frowned. They were right. His curiosity was really coming back to bite him.

     He also knew that the duo wouldn't want to stay with him unless it was in a neutral environment. The fact that they even came to him instead of sending a neutral party like Nico spoke volumes.

     He followed them out the door. The early sun beamed down, clearly having a good day. Wisps of cloud that looked like cotton balls drifted lazily in the reminisce of a breeze. Flowers, weeds, and grass alike stretched towards the sky.

     Henwy noticed the long sleeves Karan was wearing. Somehow it seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. It really shouldn't have taken this long for him to realize that Karan had changed his outfit, and it really only mattered because, like cartoons, no one ever changed their clothes, but he had been too surprised and intrigued by the duo's arrival to pay attention.

     Gold and Karan walked ahead of him, speaking in low whispers. Irritation sparked within him. Not only were they keeping secrets, which he didn't like one bit, but in the commotion he forgot to put out the fire kindling in his house. This meeting better be worth it.

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