Chapter Five: Alliance of the Broken

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     Mmmmm it made me change the format me no likeyyyyyy

CW: Grief, breakdowns, etc. Nothing really bloody in this on- oh! Burns

     Sigils nearly jumped. The last thing he remembered was being in the crater with Freddy... Frank... no, Frost. The man who defied gravity like it was completely normal. Now, he was in a tent surrounded by bandages. How did I get here? And how long have I been here?

     The medical center was a series of wooden structures draped in a thin cloth. Supplies littered the ground inside the tent. In fact, there seemed to be no advanced technology or construction in sight. It made him wonder just how long these people had been here.

     To his right, Gold shifted slightly. Bandages were wrapped around his forearms and a cut on his forehead had been stitched up. His clothes were tattered and singed, and had he been wearing anything but shorts, his legs probably wouldn't have been covered ankle to thigh in more bandages.

     Sigils glanced down at himself, looking at the wrapping that snaked across his arms. Like Gold, his clothes had seen much, much better days, but the fabric had protected him from most of the damage.

     He glanced outside, spotting several identical tents. Each tent faced inwards, creating a circle that surrounded a grassy center. Chests nestled in the sides of tents like wooden burrs.

     "Hey... Sigils?" Gold's voice sounded hoarse.

     Sigils turned to look at the other man. Somewhere in the back of his mind, his subconscious told him to form a response. Apparently, the signal was lost in translation, for no reply came.

     Gold stared back at him for a long moment, his eyes flicking across the former Mayor's appearance. Finally, his investigation complete, he sighed. "Nevermind."

     Again, his subconscious urged him to question the man. Gold had the same haunted, almost hunted look he had in the other world, just before-

     Just before Henwy showed up with that cursed dragon.

     Just before Ambrew was thrown about like a ragdoll.

     Just before Biffle sacrificed himself.

     His breath quickened as memories flashed before him like minnows in a pool. How the fire raged in the forest beyond the clearing. The metallic stench of blood. The screams of Alxton as Ambrew hit the ground, never to rise again.

     Three thoughts sprang to the front of his mind. The first was that two monsters were responsible for this and had to be dealt with. One of them was rightfully trapped in a barren world it had destroyed itself. The other was in a tent not too far away.

     The second thought was about the fox-human hybrid. Memories as elusive as dreams swam before him. He'd try to snatch one, but the veiled clue would flit into the unknown. He was vaguely certain Alxton wasn't with the other campers. Was the man still in the other world, being torn apart by a monster's monster? Or had the machine tossed him to who knows where?

     His final thought had to do with the disk in his grasp. His fingers tightened around the monocle absentmindedly. He stood up, ignoring the curious eyes of Gold trained on his back, and walked over to the mound of supplies.

     He rummaged through materials until he clasped the item he was looking for. He pulled a thread of string from the pile and studied it, looking for imperfections that would cause it to break. Finding none, he returned to his original spot on the ground with the string in hand.

     The fake mustache had burned away. All that remained was the ovular disk and the beads that trailed down from it. He snapped off the beaded chain, setting it gently on the ground. Then, looping the string through the monocle, he tied together the two ends.

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