♡Chapter 1♡

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A/N: Typing Chapter 1 on my phone so sorry if it ain't long just trying to update with a chapter .-. BE TUNED THIS WEEKEND ! UPDATING FRIDAY & SATURDAY !


♡Malena POV♡

"NEVER apologize for saying what you feel ; because that's like saying 'sorry for being real'. " ~Unknown


I slowly open my Eyes to see nothing but a blur. I reach over and slam my hand down on my alarm clock. I grab my glasses and put them on and slowly get out the bed.

Yes , I said slowly because last night my mother beat the crap out of me for no reason. Sigh.

~•~FLASHBACK (Last Night ; Sunday)~•~

I stood in the kitchen washing dishes . While my brother Raquan Offered to help but I always say , "No Mom Told me and she'll beat me if she caught you doing something I was suppose to do".

My mother came in the kitchen smoking and dropped another dish in the sink right when I finished. As she turned around to walk away , I sighed.

Biggest Mistake Ever.

She slowly turned around and walked towards me until we were Face To Face. I Inhaled the Liquor and Smoke on her breath.

"Did you just Blow.. At Me?!". She Said through Gritted teeth.

I shook my head.

"Oh ! I see , now you think your to good to speak". She said and when I was about to reply she slapped me and I winced in pain as I dropped to the floor.

She kicked me and slapped me. Right when I thought she was done she pulled the cigarette out her mouth and imprinted herself on me.

I screamed as loud as I could.

"Shut the fuck up!, now get up and clean this mess up!". She yelled at me and walked away.

I slowly got up off the ground , wincing at every move I took. Once I finally gripped the counter and stood up straight I silently cried to myself hopping she wouldn't hear.

I cleaned up the mess and walked down the hall to my room not acknowledging my brother.

I fell asleep and I could feel the bruises form.


I limped to the bathroom trying my best not to make a noise. Once I made it I took a hot shower. I silently yelped in pain because the water was burning my bruises. 15 minutes after I got out the shower . I put back on my glasses and brushed my braces/teeth and brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail.

Yes, a ponytail . I don't throw messy buns on my head like those "prissy" girls. I'm not beautiful enough ... You might say..

When I limped back to my room I put on my Bra and Panties, Also a Black Hoodie w/ White Tank Top under it. My Black Skinny Jeans and my Dirty , Ole Converse.

I grabbed my almost torn book bag and headed for the door until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and turned around to see my brother Raquan.

"Yes?". I asked almost in a whisper.

He sighed and said , "Are You Okay Lena?".

I nodded and quickly walked out the door.


I had finally arrived at this hell whole they call school. I walked in keeping my head low as I heard the snickering and rude whispers from everybody.

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