Kick him in the side

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3rd person pov

"Here i come"

"no you dont"

"here i come"

"no you dont"

"here i come"

"No you dont"

"I'm going to get you"

"no you wont"

"Hey guys" Jasper said coming into the house, as Scarlett looked up from her phone and waved

"You got to check this out" Jasper said placing his book bag down and grabbing his phone from his pocket

"Quiet!" Charlette said not looking away from the tv

"We're playing a game"

"No problem. Ill take over your screen" Jasper said connecting his phone to the tv as Henry and Charlette yelled at him

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Woah, woah, woah!"

"Finally" Scarlett said sitting up, she was tired of their back and forth

"Just watch the video" Jasper said coming over and sitting between Scarlett and Charlette

"what video?" Henry asked placing the controller down

"its from the new last night. Its called "Captain Man's big fail" Jasper said as Henry looked at him

"Ooo, play it" Charlette said as Scarlett nodded sitting up

"Hey, look. My belly button" Henry said lifting his shirt up, as everyone looked at him confused before looking away

"Play the video" Scar said waving Henry off

"We're live in downtown Swellview where the Phone Shark has struck again. This time the Phone Shark bit through a dozen people's call phones, then fled the scene, once again escaping capture from Captain Man. Captain Man, isn't it true that the Phone Shark has been attacking peoples phones for over a year now?"

"Uhh, yes, that is true."

"So, why dont you catch him?"

"Well, Kid Danger and i have been trying"

"But you keep failing. Doesnt that bug you?"

"Yes" Captain man nodded as the video ended

"Aw, i feel bad for Captain Man" Char said as Jasper looked at her

"It's not Captain Man's fault. He just needs a better sidekick" Jasper nodded, drinking Scar's juice

Henry stopped drinking his juice looking over at his friend "One more time?"

"Just saying, id be way better at catching bad guys than Kid Danger" Jasper said putting the juice down

"You couldn't catch butt warts" Henry scoffed

"Oh, yes he could. Remember fifth grade?" Char asked looking at Henry as he got up from the couch

"That was a rash. Big difference" Jasper said as Scarlett rolled her eyes

"Whatever, I think Kid Danger does a great job" Henry said going over to the front door

"Why are you getting all mad?" Scarlett asked confused looking at him

"Because Jasper's being unfair. And i think its unfair to criticize - that- that Kid Danger guy, when he's probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair, you know? Fairness. I'm pro fair" Henry said coming over and sitting back onto the couch

"Jasper!" Piper yelled coming into the house as everyone turned to look at her

"What?" he asked looking at her

"Get up!" She yelled shutting the door behind her


"'Cause you're going to carry me to my friend Marla's house" She said walking over to the couch

"Im not going to carry you. I aint no horse" he said waving her off and going back on his ipad

"Fine. Then ill just upload this video so the whole world can see it" she said taping on her phone as Jasper confusingly looked up from his ipad

"Video of what?" Scar asked confused

"A video of him trying to sing "The Cup Song."

Jasper began to stutter as he sat up "I-i-i never did that!" he yelled pointing at Piper

"Why would i do that?" he asked normally looking at Scarlett who shrugged

"I never did that!" he yelled looking back at her

"Watch" she said pushing Henry over and sitting next to him, as she connected her phone to the tv

The video started as Jasper was sitting in his basement, a wing on and all his buckets around him "I got my ticket for the long way round. Two bott-" dang it!" he yelled as he messed up

Everyone but Jasper was yelling as he has his eyes closed looking away from the tv

"ill never be Pitch Perfect" he sighed from the tv, as Scar told Piper to send her that video

"Okay, stop it. Turn it off. Turn it off!" Jasper said looking at Piper as she laughed turning it off

"Where did you get that wig?" Charlette asked looking at him still laughing

"You dont need to know" Jasper said pointing at her

"How'd you get that video?" Henry asked looking at his sister

"She must have swiped my thumb drive!" Jasper said looking at her, as she smiled standing up

"Maybe i did." she shrugged

"Ooh, you're so bad!"

"Piper, you better not put that video online" Henry said looking at her as she shook her head

"Oh, i wont. As long as he carried me to Marla's house"


"i got my ticket for the long way around" She said mimicking him

"Okay, fine!" he said getting up

"Get on my back" he said as she got onto the purple chair, jumping on Jasper's back

"Hey, if he goes too slow, just kick him in the side!" Scarlett said laughing

"no!" he said as Piper kicked him "OW!"

"Hyah!" Piper said opening the door as they left

Scarlett and Charlette looked at Henry confused as his watch began to beep

"Yeah, ive been meaning to ask you, why does your new watch beep like that?" Charlette asked looking at him, as he looked between the two girls

"uh, it just means they need me at work. Bye!" he yelled leaving as Scarlett stopped him

"Its Sunday. Junk-N-Stuff is closed" Scarlett said looking at him confused

"Right. I better go tell the customers" he said leaving

"There is something up with that boy" Charlette said as Scarlett nodded

"And we're gonna find out what" Scar added as Char nodded

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