A Job?

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Scarlett pov

While Jasper and Charlotte were still talking about the bucket i was talking to Gooch.

"Hey" he said coming from the back making me raise my eyebrow.


"henry" Charlotte and Jasper said once they saw him.

"why are you guys here"

"did you get the job" "you hung up on us"


"Cool" "does that mean i can get a discount on this bucket"

"Dude its my first day here, you've gotta-"

"Excuse me mysterious foreign man, and mysterious girl, do Henry's friend's get a discount here" Jasper asked making me, Gooch, and the plant shake our head no.

"That plant just shook his head" Charlotte said as Jasper ran over to us.

"wow" he said as I looked at him shrugging.

"how much for the plant" Jasper asked making me look at Gooch.

The plant started mumbling as i looked at Gooch, he nodded his head "the plant is not for sale" we said in sync making everyone look between us.

"Come on, ill give ya seven bucks for it and one Canadian Loonie" Jasper said putting it on the counter.

The plant spit on him making me burst out in laughter recording it.

Gooch laughed high fiving me.

"Ah i got spit in my eye"

"I told you Canadian money upsets people" She said as Henry dragged her and Jasper out of the shop.

"Carry on" Henry said going back to the back, earning in Gooch looking at me as I shrugged.

"You work here" he said making me tilt my head

"You want me to work here" I asked as he nodded.

"How much money" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"$9" He said making me nod agreeing while smiling.

I was cleaning up around the shop bored, all the sudden Gooch was speaking into a camera making me raise my eyebrow and shrug.

"Someone sabotage the bridge over the Jandy River"

"the bridge is down"


"that means yes"

"i got that"


"Cars in the water, lives in danger" Gooch said as I chuckled when I found a bucket.

"Hey gooch what if i buy this and throw it at Jasper" I said laughing, he nodded smiling at me.

I walked into the house "Mom I'm home" I yelled checking my phone.

"Scar come sit" she said making me raise my eyebrow.

"Uh what's wrong" I asked sitting down across from her.

"Your dads name is Ray Manchester" she said making me nod.

"I got a job" I said smiling as she raised her eyebrow.

" So Scar i just told you your dad's name and you ignored it cause you got a job" she said confused making me nod.

After talking about my job, I got up bored going to the Hart's.

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