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Grace | Team Up

"I didn't have a good sleep last night." I told them as we walked to the cafeteria.

Calvin chuckled, "Psh. Let me guess. Because of that girl we met yesterday? Why will we believe her? Maybe she's just crazy--"

"Hey!" Risse cut him off, "That girl has a name and she's Hannah, and she's not crazy. She's my friend."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Calvin apologized as we sit in front of a table.

"I told her to watch Sabrina. Even before, I know that Sabrina is no good. And I don't want my best friend to get hurt. Even if George is dumb most of the time, I still want to make sure nothing crazy happens to him due to Sabrina's obsession with him," Risse explained.

I was surprised. I never thought Risse would be so protective of George. Maybe she's that kind of friend who would do all means for her friends. 

Calvin suddenly thought of something, "Maybe we need to team-up with Hannah so that we could easily know what is that evil plan."

Risse smiled, "That's the smartest thing you've said since we met, Alvin."

Calvin protested, "IT'S CALVIN!"

Risse rolled her eyes, "Ok, Melvin."


Risse texted Hannah to come meet us in the cafeteria that day. Luckily, she was available so she came to us in just about 30 minutes. Calvin, however, hurriedly left saying he has something important to do. Risse explained to her our need to know more about something their planning that includes me. I admit that I am too bothered with the idea that they're just flat out saying my name like that so I would also like to know what they're up to.

"I promise I'll try to find out what their evil plan is, Grace." Hannah promised.

I gave her a friendly pat on her shoulder, "Thank you, Hannah. Even if we just met yesterday, I can already feel that you're a good person and a kind friend."

Suddenly, Calvin came back out of nowhere, "Where have you been?" I asked him.

He smiled, "I just fixed my things, and oh, hey Hannah."

Hannah's green eyes stared at him. She looks mesmerized. She seems to be frozen for a moment, a living piece of statue, "Uhm. I'm Calvin Coolidge. Nice to meet you." he offered a handshake.

Hannah just stared at him. Not realizing the hand waiting for her. And after a few seconds, she finally went back to her consciousness. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm Hannah Still!"

Calvin chuckled.

"Ugh. Teenagers. They easily fell in that bloody lie called love. Fools." Risse commented from behind. I giggled. Bitterness everyone.

After eating lunch, Hannah, Risse and I went inside the comfort room to wash our hands.

"I hear them." Hannah said as I wipe my hands with a tissue.

I widened my eyes, "Who?"

"Come on!" Risse pulled us inside the cubicle.

I gave them a questioning look. Despite of our tight situation inside this cubicle, I still can't understand what are we doing.

Suddenly, someone entered the room.

"Sabrina, where are you?" A familiar voice panicked on her phone.

Risse whispered, "That's Diane."

I covered my mouth in shock.

"Where is she?" another voice talked.

"Wendy." Hannah uttered as she explained who that voice was.

I began to sweat. What are they talking about? Where's Sabrina, their leader?

Diane took a deep breath, "She said we should go without her. She is with George. The problem is, I don't know who is the lighting director of the recital."

"Ugh. I know who the lighting director is! Plus, we don't have something to bribe him." Wendy reasoned out.

"Who said we don't? Sabrina gave me an amount that will make that lighting director say yes." Diane explained.

Wendy laughed, "Grace Collins will soon become this school's laughingstock."

"OH MY G--" I suddenly screamed. Risse covered my mouth. Tears started to build up in my eyes. Hannah stroked my back as they try to comfort me.

"Oh?" Diane seemed to have heard my scream, "Is anybody here?" Wendy started to search for where it came from, the sound of her heels getting louder as she goes near our cubicle.

She knocked on our door, "Hey! Who are you?"

We began to tremble, still trying hard to cover our mouth. Trying to keep our breath silent. 

Luckily, a phone suddenly rang, "Hey! Come on, Wendy! Sabrina is already at the corridor!"

They quickly ran outside, letting us have the chance to go out and breathe, but not for me.

"Why do they need to talk to the lighting director?" Risse questioned.

Hannah nodded, "And why are they going to bribe him? For what?"

"I'm scared." I touched my head as my tears fall. Hannah and Risse hugged me.

"We should go talk to Troye."

I wiped my tears, "Who's Troye?"

"The lighting director of the school." Risse ended.


Hey! This is officially the beginning of more intense chapters. >:)




Hugs and kisses,
Finn xx

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