Chapter 10

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I lay next to Denki a little breathless and Denki pulls my waist to him and I smile

Obviously we didn't do the THING but we did other activities...

"I wonder when Kiri and Katsuki will be back?" Denki asks and frown

They have been gone awhile...

I get up and throw on my sweats and open the door

I see Kiri and Kat snuggled up on the couch

"When did you guys get back?" I ask and I hear Denki get up and poke his shirtless body around the corner

Kiri blushed and I notice his clothes were a little crazy and I notice his red hair looked newly cut but messy

"You guys should put a sign on the door saying do not disturb." Kat smirked and my eyes widen

"I accidently walked in...I closed the door immediately...heh sorry" Kiri blushed rubbing the back of his neck

I turn red and look down and Kat chuckled

"Its fine Brainwash calm down." He said and Denki kisses the back of my head

"Guess we should have locked the door." He says and I nod blushing and look at Kiri

"Apprently I wasn't the only one." I smirk and he looks away and Kat kisses his head

"Alright we all did something we done? We done." Kiri says and we all laugh a bit relaxing and I lean walk over and look at Kiri hair

"You got it cut and styled, it looks great." I say and he smiles

"Yeah I did." He says and I reach up and touch my hair curiously

I wonder...

"You okay Tosh?" I hear and I look and Kiri concern red eyes meet mine

"Y-yeah...lost in thought." I smile and he looks at me curiously and I sigh and sit up and look down at myself

I'm gonna put on a shirt I'm chilly

"Be right back guys." I state and they nod and start talking amongst each other and I go to the room and I dig in my back and put on a black shirt and I see my journal and shrug and hop on the bed and open to a blank page

'I haven't journaled in awhile, been kinda busy. A lot has happened since my last entry, I told them about my past and what happened. I had a massive nightmare and went ballistic. Denki tried to calm me down but he didn't know what to do and his anxiety took control of his quirk so he couldn't touch me. Katsuki ended up calming me down and the next morning I told them.

I've been a lot confident and relaxed with my boyfriends now. Wearing my binder openly around them. Denki and I had intense make out session with certain over the clothes activities since I'm on my period. I never thought I would be comfortable with him touching me but it was great. I learned a few things too. Denki is a lot more anxiety ridden then he puts forth but we've been helping him with it. Katsuki quirk can cause him harm and he had a tough past. But we all helped him through it. Kiri doesn't like his first name so we all refer to him as his last name or nicknames and he has black hair naturally but it reminds him of bad times so he keeps it red. He went to the salon and dyed it again and cut it.

I've been thinking heavily about cutting my hair. It's grown down to my shoulders now and usually I'll cut it to my chin because of you know what...but I've been wondering if maybe I can get past my chin...'

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