Chapter 1

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Hi! This is a spin off from my trans deku book. You don't have to really read that to understand what's going on in this book but references and things will mentioned from that book but not to the degree of confusion.

Please bare with me because I will try to connect the story lines from both books at points but this is really just focused on the relationship between Kat, Toshi, Denki, and Eiji.

Anyways thank you for the love and support. I love you all and enjoy!

(Btw if you have read Boyfriends on webtoons yes this is basically where I got the idea to put the 4 in a polyamarous relationship. I think Shinso is basically Goth, Bakugou is an aggressive version of Jock, Kirishima is nerd kinda, and Denki is kinda Prep lmao)

Anyways one with the story!

My name is Hitoshi Shinso, and I'm transgender.

My therapist said I should start writing down things but I ignored him till now since a lot has happened, but I guess I'll start from the beginning.

I knew I was a boy since I was young. But jumping through abusive foster homes kinda makes it hard to transition.

My biological parents died in a house fire when I was 3. From what I understand when they were trying to escape and a piece of the roof started to fall so they threw me away from it and it fell in them. The only thing I remember after that was the fireman carrying me away from it.

I didn't have any other family. So that's when my journey from foster homes started

Some weren't bad just neglective. As long as I was quiet they let me do whatever. They got paid so.

Others were far worse, forced labor. Making us work in the hot heat and if asked for water they would deny us until we collapsed then later tell us we were over dramatic

Some foster parents beat me till I was black and blue. Saying I was nothing but a waste of space.

It got worse after my quirk manifested. The last foster home I was in was the longest one. I stayed for 5 years. At home I had to wear a muzzle. My foster Dad, he beat me and worse...and when I cut my hair the first time he told me he'd show me how much of a girl I was...

Those words still haunt me till this day and what he did after he said them.

Apparently my old middle school saw the bruises on my arms and contacted the authorities. That's when I met Eraserhead

He worked with the police on a lot of child abuse cases but from what he told me is when he came across my file. He felt he had to protect me more then anything.

After I was pulled out of there and they found out what he did to me he was thrown in prison for child abuse and Sexual Assault to a minor and I never seen him again.

Eraserhead took me in immediately and after and I found out he was married to Present Mic. The situation was way to surreal.

Eraserhead or Aizawa, he found out I was trans when he accidently walked into the bathroom one day thinking I was still in bed and caught me binding with ace bandages. I broke down thinking he was going to send me away. But instead he told me to get dressed and took me to the store and got me my first binder

He denies it but he teared up when I hugged him that day. It was the first time I ever hugged him.

Getting me a therapist, and putting me on Testosterone then personally training me. I was able to pass as a teenage boy in less then a year. And 2 years later him and Mic adopted me

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