Chapter 7

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Kat falling in the pool and coming up smiling was probably the highlight of my day.

I look around and seeing it was empty I take a deep breath and remove my shirt being in my swim binder and I jump in

I swim up and Kat smiles at me and I blush a bit

"Here comes the most epic jump of the century!" We here and Kiri does a front flip in the pool splashing us

We laugh and see Denki smiling at us sitting on the edge of the pool

"Denki aren't you going to join us?" I ask and he hesitates

"Give me a bit." He laughs nervously and I frown.

Kiri swims to the edge to talk to him and suddenly we hear thunder boom over us

"That was loud, good thing the pool is inside." He says and suddenly Denki backs away from the pool a bit but still is near us to see us

"Uh I might not swim tonight." He mutters

"Why you alright?" I ask and start swimming to the edge

"Its a storm. And it actually effects my quirk so I would rather not risk it." He explains and my widen

I never thought about Denki quirk going off in a pool. But now that he mentioned it that would be bad


I look at the others and they seem to be thinking

Kat hops out of the pool suddenly and gets near Denki

"Out of curiosity how does it effect your quirk?" He asks and Denki who thinks

"It causes me to tick. And make electricity go over my body. Sometimes causes me to shock myself" He says quietly but I barely catch it

He never told me that before, but that explains why he is always absent during a thunder storm.

He never shows up to school during them but he just told me he was feeling sick.

But to be fair we haven't got many storms during the the last 2 years like 3 max and spaced out

"Maybe we should go back to the room? Or what do we do?" Kiri asks

"Well I can take one more pill and then with Dunce it's up to him." He says and I hop out of the pool with Kirishima in pursuit.

"No I'm fine just keep swimming alright." He says and I roll my eyes

"Denks come on let's go." Kiri says and Denki sighs getting up

I look at Denki hair and parts of it was standing up and I let my eyes sweep over his body and I see his fingers twitching

I've been with Denki for almost 2 years. And here's one thing you need to know

His quirk hurts him. He slowly building up the range that he can use little by little but right now if he went full max with his quirk it would hurt him

He always fought me on telling Shouta. But finally I did, so secretly we took Denki to the doctor and found when he overmaxes it causes his brain to crash which causes him to have a reading disability

With this learned Shouta prerecorded tests, reading the questions and list of answers. This has helped Denki grades to rise tremendously and Shouta made the other teachers do it. Hizashi had to sit in the room with Shouta at home sometimes to do it so he didn't start yelling. Then with the prerecordings they give Denki earbuds on test day and he listen to during the test.

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