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Just so y'all know, this is a conjoined account between minimushr00m and me (FireFox7895). Love y'all and I hope you enjoy!

Long ago, there were thirteen friends, each with the same dream. They all longed to start their very own nation, their own empires if you will. As soon as they had come of age, they began plans to form their own beautiful, safe and wealthy empires. The thirteen empires, built with nothing but ambition and hope, rose from the ground, developing the land known today as Empires SMP. All thirteen had made their dreams come true, and they couldn't be happier!

But trouble was brewing.

A rivalry was to divide the peace of the thirteen empires, so great that not even the emperors themselves could handle it. It would destroy the land of Empires as they knew it. And it was all over one girl.

Katherine Elizabeth.

Princess Katherine was a very peaceful, kind emperor, who would never hurt a fly. She was the kind of person who would smile at everyone she walked past, who would stop her own heart for someone she didn't even know. She was caring to all and loved every single one of her friends with all her heart. And she would never in her wildest dreams start a war.

Not intentionally at least.

Very close by lived The Great Witch Shelby, a witch who practised magic and strived to use her powers for good and only good, no matter what others would say. She was delightful and gentle but proved dangerous when she nearly murdered the Pirate Captain of Eversea, Joey Graceffa in cold blood when competing over Katherine's heart in a duel to the death.

Not far away lived Pirate Joe, a sea scavenger, who loved to cause chaos. He would play schemes on all of his friends, and try to murder anything that moved. His description of the word harmless was extravagant, to say the least. In his dictionary, stealing was borrowing, explosives were pranks and karma deflected at him was the need to file a lawsuit.

Shelby and Joey had been rubbing each other the wrong way ever since they had met, all those years ago. But what made matters worse was that the two had fallen madly in love with the exact same person.

And that person was Katherine.

The mild dislike between the two was no more. This was now pure hatred. Joey would steal everything Shelby owned, and Shelby cast horrible spells and curses upon him in retaliation. No matter how hard she tried to stop the two from arguing, Katherine found that it was impossible. One day, an awful fight broke out, and both Joey and Shelby were severely injured. Worst of all, as Katherine tried to step in, Shelby cast a spell aimed at Joey, and it hit Katherine right in the heart.

While she recovered fairly well, both Shelby and Joey blamed each other rather than themselves for the incident, clearly forgetting the reason why the Princess of Glimmer Grove had been hurt in the first place. Katherine tried to convince them that she was fine - that it was her fault, and that no one should take the blame.

But the princess found that very hard to do while lying in the recovery beds of Sanctuary.

And so the hatred raged on.

The extremity of the situation only grew, so much so that it was becoming an all-out war. The remaining emperors began to choose sides in hopes of shielding their empires from harm, and protecting those they cared about. Love was no more and death started to reign. The ashes of what their friendship used to be seemed like only a vague, mysterious dream.

All that was left were thirteen war-torn hearts.

And that brings us to the present day.

~ This Chapter was written by minimushr00m

War-Torn Hearts - An Empires SMP S2 War AUWhere stories live. Discover now