I Could Tell You a Story That'd Make Ya Cry

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  You were tired, quite frankly.

It wasn't like you were mad at Leo, just....tired. Hurt, maybe.

And so maybe you'd pulled a Raph and stormed off, but it was probably better than yelling and fudging the situation up even more, right? Plus, you were pretty sure your frustration was at least sorta justified- it wasn't like you were mad that Leo liked Karai, that'd be shitty of you- no, you were mad that he'd skipped movie night for the third week in a row. Which wouldn't be a huge deal on its own...if you'd maybe been able to see him for more than two minutes in the past three weeks.

What was the point, you wondered, throwing a pebble off the fire escape, of having a best friend if said best friend is constantly ditching you to make heart eyes at Public Enemy No.1's hot daughter?!

And it wasn't like you couldn't understand crushing on someone who you shouldn't crush on- that was fair! Karai was really hot! Even you could see that!

What you didn't understand was ditching your friends for it!

Like- you'd never ditch vigilante-ing with Raph or blueprint-making with Donnie for your crush on Leo, unless it was an emergency. That was like, the whole point of being friends with someone, sticking with them!

You sighed and chucked another rock off the fire escape, feeling slightly satisfied as it smacked the concrete in the alley below.

You missed movie nights.

You missed Leo.

And clearly, he didn't miss you.

Which....hurt. A ton.

You bit back tears and threw another rock, and replayed what happened just an hour ago in your head for the millionth time.


1 hour ago

"Hey, Nardo?" You said, hearing the familiar sound of your voice echoing down the sewers. Leo had missed your movie night again, and due to the lack of reply to your worried message, you were checking in to make sure Shredder hadn't killed everyone or something.

Leo always responded to messages within minutes, replying with perfect grammar and punctuation. So you were admittedly kinda worried.

"(Y/N)!" Mikey grinned, waving at you from the couch. "Wassup?"

You smiled, hopping over the turnstiles. "'Sup Mike. I'm looking for your Fearless Leader...would you possibly have any theories for his whereabouts?"

"You're lookin' for Leo? I thought he was at your place for movie night?" Mikey said, confused.

"Well...he never showed up...Is he in trouble?!" You asked, swallowing.

"Dunno, he left an hour ago-" But he was cut off by a loud voice approaching the lair.

"...And I keep telling you she's bad news, Fearless! You can't keep looking for Karai, she's -how many times do I hafta say this- THE SHREDDER'S DAUGHTER!" Raph's voice said, and a few seconds later he appeared at the turnstiles with a sheepish-looking Leonardo in tow.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Look, there's Leo!" Mikey grinned.

"Thanks, Angelo." You said dryly, looking up at Leo as he made his way down the stairs.

"Look Raph, I'm sorry. But I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing, okay? I wasn't in any real danger." He said tiredly, collapsing on the couch next to you.

I've Been Tired (TMNT 2012 Leo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now