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Italy has been so fun, we were supposed to stay one week but we decided to stay one more because we gave everyone a much-needed vacation after we launched our game. Damien, Enzo, and Matteo are on my bad side right now because they keep scaring off men every time we go into town. They say I don't need to be worried about men and I need to focus on myself but I just want to have fun.

What they don't know is that i've been talking to some Italian hunk for a while now. We've been friends with benefits for some months and every time i come to Italy I go see him.

I finally roll out of bed and hop in the shower, do my makeup, and choose a good outfit. The guy i'm meeting up with is pretty sweet, his name is Vincenzo and he sure is a tall broad shouldered Italian hunk.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and one of the maids is making breakfast.

"Hi Salem i've missed you," She says walking up to me giving me a hug.

"I know you don't really eat breakfast so i prepared some fruit, coconut water, and granola for you." she says as she continues to cook.

God i love it here, everyone knows me so well. I grab my fruit and I go out to the patio to eat, but there's the three scrooges that i hate so much chowing down on a heavy breakfast.

Thankfully this house is huge and there are multiple tables out on the patio. I huff and sit down at the table furthest away from them.

"Salem get over here." Matteo says in his annoying trying to control me voice.

I simply ignore him and take a bite out of my strawberry while looking at the river ahead.

"Salem we're sorry," Damien sighs.

I simply give them all the finger gather everything and head into the kitchen. Knowing them they're hot on my tail following me.

Why do i have to deal with these annoying ass men?

I go to the kitchen and pull out a bar stool, set my things down and I begin to eat again. As im enjoying my fruit and granola all three of them sit down next to me.

"Salem why are you being like this." Enzo asks.

I simply scoff and roll my eyes.

"Oh so now i'm the one who's being some sort of way. Todos ustedes son idiotas, sí, lo dije, idiotas, no piensan en nadie más ni en ustedes mismos, y no quieren que yo sea feliz, así que déjenme en paz." I reply with a huff
(you all are assholes yea i said it assholes you think about no one other and yourself and you dont want me to be happy so leave me the hell alone.)

"What did she just say?" Enzo asks confused.

"Umm something about us being assholes and she wants us to leave her alone." Damien says somewhat accomplished that he translated my spanish.

I roll my eyes and get up to head out the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Matteo asks with a hand on his hip looking like someone's father.

"Out." I reply slamming the door in his face.

" I reply slamming the door in his face

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