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The plane landed leaving Salem with and uncertainty within herself, she knew that her old friends would all be together waiting for her at the airport but from what Saul just told her she was on edge.

Apparently Damien seemed to catch on so he pulled her aside when they got off the plane.

"cosa c'è che non va, sorellina." The concerned look in his eye made Salem sad, she didn't want him to think that she disliked the trip, she was just overwhelmed and the day had barely started. (what's wrong little sister)

"Niente," she replied adjusting her carry on bag on her shoulder and heading to grab her luggage. (Nothing)

Damien sighed and started to walk with her matching her pace. "Ti conosco troppo bene, puoi ignorare cosa c'è che non va?" (I know you too well, you can brush this off whats wrong?)

She loved that Damien knew her so well and was so attentive, but sometimes it was too overbearing he acted like she was the apple of his eye and sometimes she hated him for it, he was always worried about her and he never worried about himself which made her upset because half of the time she was being over dramatic but he never cared he just always wanted to see her happy.

Salem turned to look at him "Non è importante, sto solo pensando a tutte le cose che voglio mostrarti." She flashed her best smile at him to get him off her back. Eventually he very hesitantly left it alone. (Its not important, im just thinking about all the things I want to show you.)

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ok, per ora lascerò perdere." (Okay i'll leave it alone for now.)

Salem smiled and raised her arm to ruffle his hair, he got the memo and bent down a little for her, she was tall and Damien knew she could reach but he wanted to make it easier for her which she was grateful for.

"grazie fratello, ti amo." (thank you brother I love you.)

"Ti amo-" Damien was about to finish his sentence but a high pitched scream made them both turn their head to the left and to Salem's surprise there stood Hyun-Su, Min-Su, Min-Ho, and Kang.

Salem quickly put together that Min-Su was the one who screamed which left her to drop all her luggage at Damien's feet and run full force to her.

"언니 너무 보고싶었어요!" Salem jumped in her arms while crying and holding on to Min-Su as tight as she possibly could. (Unnie I missed you so much)

"너는 아직도 우는구나," Kang said while kissing his teeth. "어떤 것들은 절대 변하지 않는 것 같아요." (You're still a cryer I see, I guess some things never change)

"닥치고 바보야," Salem replied wiping her tears and going up to hug him. (Shut up idiot)

"아이구, 괜찮을 거야." The very quiet Hyun-Su said while rubbing her back. (Oh my, it'll be okay.)

Hyun-Su didn't handle crying very well but he was always there to comfort her anytime she cried, which was a lot. They even became drinking buddies at a point in time when Min-Ho ever made her sad or mad.

"No it won't be okay I missed you guys so much it's not even funny i'm so sorry that I haven't visited I missed you so much, work has been hectic did you get the gifts I sent from my company?" Salem was hiccuping from crying so much which made Min-Ho laugh. Min-Ho was the only one who could speak english fluently so he knew exactly what she was saying.

"이해하셨나요?" Min-Su asked looking at her brother and Kang. (Did you understand that?)

"아니." Hyun-Su replied while keeping a fake smile. (nope)

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