Show me what it's like...

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2. Show me what it’s like…

“Hello?” “Daddy!” “Mia my angel! How are you darling?” I greeted my daughter on the phone. “You didn’t call! Mum said you would!” she accused. “Yes, I’m sorry sweetie, I forgot…”


I heard a girl squeal when Lucas answered his phone. I could actually listen in to the conversation a little and soon found out it was his daughter calling. So he had a kid. This made me reconsider. I had been really scared when he pretty much asked me to accompany him to his hotel, but now… he was a dad. He seemed nice. The way he spoke to his daughter made me see how much he actually cared. I wished my father would care that much. Instead he had pretty much decided to forget I existed, well, and tried to sue me. I was good enough to get money from, but not worth a birthday wish it seemed. I shook my head to clear it from the memories and also to get the water out. I probably looked like a drowned dog.

Lucas was just finishing his phone call, asking his daughter if he could call her back later. “Hey, sorry, that was my daughter…” he apologized. I just nodded. “So… erm, did you think about it? I feel really bad knowing you are out here in the rain… as crazy as it sounds, but I want to help you, Alexis, I care for you, even if I can’t really explain it. Believe me, please, I’m not some sick guy that wants to get your trust and exploit it afterwards…” he said. I nodded slowly. My head was screaming to get away from Lucas but I couldn’t. My heart was yearning for that exactly. For someone who cared. Someone who was interested in me as a person. “Okay…” I whispered finally, only barely keeping my teeth from chattering. Lucas smiled. “I promise I won’t harm you. Come on, let’s get a cab. You look like your freezing and I’m pretty cold too…”


I stopped a cab and got inside with Alexis. I felt a little strange on the way back to the hotel. I had no idea what I was planning to do. All I did when I found her again was acting by instinct. I had no plan whatsoever. But I was glad that Alexis was alright and also safe now. It put my mind at ease.

As we entered the hotel I noticed how all eyes turned to us. I understood why: we both looked like we had been drowned, dripping with rain. Next to me Alexis fidgeted slightly. “It’s fine. Just smile and follow me.” I whispered, placing my hand gently on the small of her back, leading her to the elevators. As soon as the doors closed Alexis let out a sigh. “That was scary…” she admitted. I chuckled. “Well, we surely didn’t look like we fitted the hotel’s group of guests…” I joked. Alexis smiled. “Why are you so calm about it? I mean, everybody was staring at us…” I winked at her. “I am not. It is making me nervous every time, but I learned to downplay it.” I replied. Alexis looked taken aback. “Really?” I nodded. “I used to be very shy…” I admitted. “I can’t believe that…” she breathed. “Believe it or not, it’s true.” I answered.

The elevator stopped and Alexis and I stepped out. “On the left.” I said,  leading the way to my room. I opened the door and let Alexis in first. She stepped into my room and then turned around. “This room is bigger than every flat I ever lived in…” she said, stunned. I looked down. “Well, I didn’t book it… It was my… work place…” I replied. “I could have fared with a smaller room…” Alexis nodded. “Well, it’s nice…” she mumbled. I nodded.

I hung up my coat and then turned to Alexis. “Have you eaten yet?” I asked. She shook her head. “No.” I nodded. “Well, what would you like?” I asked, handing her the leaflet of the room service and a  pizza place. After a quick glance at what the room service had to offer Alexis turned to the pizza place. I chuckled lightly. I had expected that. “I’ll have the veggie pizza…” she finally said, handing the leaflet back to me. I smiled. “Okay, I’ll order the food. Erm, do you want to take a shower or something? You look as if you’re really cold…” I told her. Alexis shrugged. “I’ll be okay.” She said. I shook my head. “It’s alright, really. I could borrow you some clothes, they will be too large but I think you like the baggy-style.” I tried to joke. Alexis grinned. “If it would really be okay…” she mumbled shyly. I nodded. “Of course it is. Wait a moment.”

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