Chapter 26

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Taehyung, Jungkook and Jennie returned back to the office. Jennie left first because her head was spinning due to the fast riding of car. The reason was standing behind him and smirking in achievement. When Jennie was gone, it was only the Kim couples left. Taehyung was watching his bunny with proud. But suddenly he hold his hand and dragged him towards his own cabin. It's not like Jungkook was denying but still he was confused at the elder. Anyways he followed. After reaching the cabin, the first thing Taehyung did was locking the door from inside. Jungkook was more confused now. Taehyung moved closer to him. The younger gulped. The more closer taehyung came the more the younger gulped. Finally they got so closed that even air was not allowed to enter between them. Jungkook finally dared to speak "Wh.. What are you doing??"
Taehyung smiled a little at his aggressive bunny. He replied with a wink "don't worry love, I will not do anything here." Meanwhile he put a beautiful necklace in the younger's neck.

" Meanwhile he put a beautiful necklace in the younger's neck

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On seeing it Jungkook's mouth left opened in awe. Taehyung was loving the younger's reaction. Although he knew the answer but still he asked "Did you like it?"

"Yeah.... Of course I like it but it's so expensive."

"Not more than you, you are the most expensive gift I have got".

Jungkook suddenly opened the heart shaped locate. There was a beautiful pic of Taekook emerging with lightning effect inside it. He blushed at seeing the picture. It was so beautiful. But suddenly he noticed a micro device inside it. He asked the elder "what is it inside this"?

The elder replied "it's a tracking device. It will help me know where you are."

"Oh so you are spying on me"??

"Nope love, it's not like that. It's just for emergency. In case anything happens. By the way leave it. It's looking beautiful on you. Don't remove it ever."

"Okay.... Its really looking beautiful on me no???"

"Yeah babe, everything looks good on you".

Both of them were staring at each other with love. They were almost about to kiss each other but suddenly got interrupted by a well known person... Miss Jennie. She was knocking at the door. The elder opened the door. When he saw the girl. Both of the Kim couples rolled their eyes. Jennie came and gave a file to the elder and dragged Jungkook with herself.

Jungkook and Jennie worked together on an important file. Then after about an hour or so they took a short coffee break. During the work Jennie noticed a new pendent on the younger's neck. She was dying to know from where he got it. It was not there since morning. Little did she knew, the younger was purposefully showing the pendent. She was waiting for her to ask about it. And finally she did ask "where  did you get this pendent from. I didn't see this since morning".

The younger was dying to tell her but of course he showed his antics first. He replied " yeah Mr Kim gave this. Actually when we returned after lunch he dragged me to his cabin. Then he closed the door. And then......." he didn't say further, just covered his face while blushing. It irritated her. She asked in agitation "and then what happened??"

"Ohh then.... " he again covered his face and said "no I can't tell you, I'm feeling shy."

Jennie got more irritated. She told "don't react like a teenager and blurt out".

"Okk then listen carefully" Jungkook slided his chair towards Jennie and started his story "Mr Kim closed the door first. Then he moved closer and closer and closer and then he put a pendent on me and look at this, there is a beautiful picture of us that emerges with lighting effect. You know he said I'm the most precious gift for him. And you know what we were almost about to kiss but..." he gave a disappointed look.

"But what"?? Jennie asked.

"A cockblocker interrupted in between" he said this word indicating towards her.

She said "excuse me".

Jungkook left from there.

It was evening. Jungkook was still working on his laptop. Jennie was making him overwork. Taehyung was watching everything from his cabin. He stood up and moved towards Jungkook. When he reached there, he closed his laptop and started dragging him along with himself.

Jennie interrupted him "Tae".

Taehyung gave an angry look.

Jennie quickly realised her mistake

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Jennie quickly realised her mistake. She corrected herself and said "Mr Kim why are you taking him along. He has still not completed his work."

Taehyung replied "ohh Is that so??..... Okk do one thing, you complete rest of the work."

"I?? But it's my dismissal time"

"Today you will go after completing the work."


"No ifs and buts."

"I'm the boss here. I will decide who will do what. UNDERSTAND"

"Yes Mr Kim". Jennie replied gritting her teeth,

not because of the boss' order but because of the bunny who was teasing her from behind the boss

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not because of the boss' order but because of the bunny who was teasing her from behind the boss.

not because of the boss' order but because of the bunny who was teasing her from behind the boss

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Republished this chapter with new script. Hope you guys like it.

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