Chapter 23

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Jennie was very busy since morning. Today they have a meeting to attend over the countryside. Taehyung had already told her that its a very important meeting. They can't bear any sort of mistake. She was carefully arranging all the necessary documents needed for the the meeting. She had checked the presentation for the nth time. But, to her surprise Jungkook was sitting calmly beside her........ playing with a paper weight. Her curiosity was killing her to know why this guy is sitting all relaxed and playing with a paper weight. She finally asked "Don't you have to prepare for the meeting"??Why are you so relaxed??

"Coz I am not going to attend the meeting" Jungkook replied firmly.

"Whattt.....?? Are you serious"?? She chuckled.

"Yeah I'm... I have even told Mr Kim that I am not going."

"And why sooo??"

"Well that's a secret, Miss Jennie"

"What secret?? What are you planning??"

"Nothing, I just don't want to go coz...."
Jungkook put his hand on the secretary's shoulder and continued "well you don't know Mr Kim. He can't bear any mistake. We are new here. If we by chance committ any mistake. He will get mad and the mad Mr Kim is the worst person alive. Trust me when he is mad he will insult you so badly that you will regret your living. That's why I am not going."  Jungkook smirked a little a looking at the confused Jennie who was busy in her thoughts now. Well the brat know it very well that he has already done his job. He calmed down and started playing again.

After thinking for some time Jennie came to him and said "Jungkook actually I want a favor from you. Please you attend the meeting. I would have attended.... but, you know I'm in periods. The cramps aaahhh... is killing me. Please dear...!! I have never asked you for any favour."

"Ohh..... but Jennie you know how Mr Kim is....... uhh I don't want to go" the bratt started his tantrum.

"No Jungkook, Mr Kim will not do anything to you. Afterall you are his husband."

"According to him, 'there is no relationship in business'."

"Really?? Then it's much better" Jennie blurted in excitement.

"What...?? What do you mean Miss Jennie?"

"Nothing Jungkook, I was just saying that I can't go. Please try to understand..... I'm in pain."

"Ohh okkk if you're forcing me then I think I have to go."  Jungkook pretended that he really doesn't want to go but he has been forced to do so.

Taehyung and Jungkook were in Taehyung's car. They were enjoying the drive. Jungkook was calmly sitting and watching out of the window. The cold wind was hitting his face. It was extremely soothing. Taehyung was driving and sometimes stealing glances at the younger. He was smiling and driving smoothly without any hurry. He stopped the car in front of a grocery store...... went to the store and brought some chips and banana milk for the younger. The younger was really hungry. He took the snacks and started eating like a hungry bunny. Taehyung requested for a chips from the younger but the younger denied. Taehyung once again asked "Honey please give me only one".

"Nope" Jungkook replied sassily and began to eat. The elder even tried to snatch using one hand but the younger was faster. He didn't let the elder take any chips.

After a while or so..... Taehyung came with a plan. He stopped asking for the chips and all of a sudden he ate the half of the chips jungkook was munching on startling the younger. Jungkook got hella shocked because what Taehyung just did was almost a kiss..... if there was no chips. His eyes got stuck at the elder..... cheeks all coloured in red and the clever man sitting beside him was smiling in victory. The couple were enjoying there time.

They were about to reach the venue where the meeting was supposed to hold but suddenly Taehyung took a different turn which surprised the younger. The younger asked "hey where are you going??" That's not the way".

"I know" Taehyung replied.

Jungkook didn't asked anything further. He began to tap his headside with his fingers and said "Uhm Mr Kim??"


"What if I say today's meeting is cancelled"?  Jungkook nervously waited for the elder's reaction with his hopeful eyes.

"I know" the answer left the younger in utter shock.

Jungkook had expected the elder to be mad at him. If not atleast get irritated for wasting his time but here he said he knows about the cancellation of meeting.

The younger was busy in his thoughts when the car stopped in front of a luxurious restaurant. The elder exited the car first and opened the door for the younger as a gentleman. They went to the restaurant. It was a beautiful and cozy place. Jungkook loved it. They ordered their favourite food but still Jungkook was stuck on the same page. He still had a question "Why Mr Kim didn't react when he said the meeting is cancelled"?? One thing that surprised him even more was how Taehyung took another turn and how the restaurant was beautifully decorated and empty as the whole restaurant has been booked.

Taehyung broke his thoughts by blurting "yeah you're right.... I have booked the whole restaurant for our beautiful date..." Taehyung said with his famous boxy smile on display.

" Taehyung said with his famous boxy smile on display

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Ignore the crown.

After listening to the Elder Jungkook got dumbstruck.

After listening to the Elder Jungkook got dumbstruck

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His doe eyes got wider than before. Taehyung began to chuckle after looking at the younger. He said "look at you, desperate to know how do I know all that..... well I know you got a call regarding the cancellation of meeting when Jennie was busy and guess what??......." Taehyung leaned little closer and continued "I even know how you convinced Jennie to not to join the meeting". Taehyung concluded with a wink.

" do you know all th..that"??

Taehyung started chuckling harder this time. He leaned little bit more closer and signalled Jungkook to lean closer too. The younger did so and Taehyung uttered "well.... It's a secret".

I hope you guys like it 😜😜

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