Chapter 12: Alison

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she literally dedicates her life to the ghosts<3

The ghosts (kitty mostly) always beg her to get different pets but she keeps saying no even though they BEG her everyday

She's a great artist and when she was younger, to get extra cash she used to do street painting and sell them

She's making new paintings and is going to sell them at an painting auction

In her spare time she likes sketching or drawing the ghosts

when Mary got sucked off she made a painting of her and hung it up in the living room

When her and Mike first moved in they were thinking of starting a family after making it into a hotel but that idea is out the window now (get it?)

She never had a proper family and is now so thankful for Mike and the ghosts as she feels her family is complete now

As a kid she had guinea pigs and rabbits and always begs Mike to get some but he always says they're too much work

she and the ghosts always play hot and cold with Mike and he hates it because he always goes in the wrong direction

Every valentine's she gives kitty a secret admirer letter <3

She's become so used to seeing ghosts that sometimes she thinks they're alive and tries talking or interacting with them and everybody thinks she's mad

Once she had to go to the doctor's again and saw the same ghost and now they're mates

she used to volunteer at orphanages and care homes to help kids with family problems bcs she lost her family young

She met Mike at an open karaoke night at a local club and Mike sang "Last Friday Night" with his mates and it was love at first sight

Their first date was a film date and they both cried at the film (suggest the film they watched)

Before they moved Alison got pregnant but had a miscarriage </3

They were going to try again after they inherited the house but yk other things got in the way

She had an emo phase as a kid 😭😭

Alison and her mates used to make vine videos and one went viral and they thought they were proper famous

She's a cat person and begs Mike everyday to get one- he's starting to give up on saying no

She loves musicals and was a theatre kid but always denies it

She's a really good singer and sometimes sings to the ghosts and they try to join in but are always off key and end up sounding terrible
- it was a Christmas miracle when they sung that carol

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